Entries by admin - BUM

Burn Fat with Bleacher Blast Circuit Workout

We have a new WOW, Workout of the Week. It is called “Bleacher Blast” because it’s done on bleacher seats. It’s great for burning fat, getting your cardio done in a fast-moving, high jumping fun way, and even tightening your glutes and lower abs. Check it out in the always free Premium Section for the […]

New Fitness Gadget at Target

So this is the latest fitness gadget they have at Target. As you may know, I am always looking to see what’s going on in the fitness industry—whether it be legit, false, serious, or funny. I just like to know who’s making money on what. This is what I found while walking around aimlessly the […]

Pop Your Shoulder, Explode Your Lat!

Yes ladies and gentlemen, this warrants at least one exclamation mark, but two isn’t overkill. I’m really excited about this week’s Workout of the Week and Exercise of the Week. This week’s WOW is “Shoulder Poppers” and the EOW is “Straight Arm Pullups”! “Shoulder Poppers” is a workout which is meant to POP YOUR SHOULDER! […]

It’s all about consistency.

YOU MAY BE EAGER to start your new exercise program now that the new year has begun. Maybe a little too eager. There’s a saying I keep repeating in my blog, Twitter, and everywhere: CONSISTENCY TRUMPS INTENSITY If you work out super hard, wake up super early (earlier than you’re used to), cut your calories like if […]