Get drunk without getting fat! (or dying)

A mad scientist by the name of Professor David Nutt, (yes, that’s his real name) has invented a form of alcohol that has all of the good parts (relaxing you, making you feel good) without the harmful ones like, making you fat. And oh yeah, it also

will not kill you like alcohol does if you overdose!

Wait, what? Yep, you know how if you drink too much, your liver will give out and you’ll die? Well that will not happen with “Alcosynth”.  Dr. Nutt has essentially replaced the toxins in alcohol. Toxins are poisons that are responsible for you feeling drunk, and then the next day, feeling that dreaded hangover.

“With alcohol, if you keep taking more and more you eventually die, due to the effect on the brain’s receptors being maximal and toxic – and alcohol works on many receptors.”

^ Says Dr. Nutt. But the hangover-eliminating part was not the goal. A hangover, as Dr. Nutt puts it, is really a control that deters you from over-drinking on a regular basis. So to concentrate on solely removing the hangover would essentially be promoting dangerous over-drinking since you would not have a negative consequence of drinking too much.  He even managed to produce a sort of “kill switch” so that you can’t even get too drunk and over do it, embarrassing yourself and causing your friends to avoid calling you next weekend:

“It’s based on a dose response curve. The more of a drug you take, the more effect you get. With alcohol, if you keep taking more and more you eventually die, due to the effect on the brain’s receptors being maximal and toxic – and alcohol works on many receptors. So to reduce harm you focus on one or two receptors and minimise interactions with other receptors. You also design molecules that’ll never produce a maximal effect.”

“We think the effects round out at about four or five ‘drinks’, then the effect would max out,” he said.

And the best part, or at least the part that is relevant to 10in30, is that it is “nearly calorie-free.” It’s made to be a mixer, that you use to make your favorite drinks by replacing rum, vodka, and whiskey, for example. You would not drink it on the rocks by itself, as Dr. Nutt puts it, Alcosynth is actually flavorless.

But this invention is in its infancy and though Dr. Nutt is confident that it will replace alcohol in the future or at least be allowed to be sold in various countries like the U.S. and Britain, he expects it will be a few years before you can buy this at a pub or a liquor store.

More info here:

How the future of drinking will avoid hangovers and addiction