
Incline Leg Press or Lever Hack Squat??

Lever Hack Squat:



Incline Leg Press:




Which would you rather?

Which EXERCISE, pervs! Well today I did both. 5 sets on the Incline Leg Press Machine and 5 sets on the Lever Hack Squat Machine. This “Lever” machine is different from the other Hack Squat machines in that it does not use a sled that slides up and down in a linear path.

It rotates so that it gives you a more natural movement and works your muscles differently. Remember, every little difference in your workout makes a difference in your body. Change an angle by a few inches and you’re working different muscle fibers, if not different muscles altogether. Always change things up and do different machines or exercises that seem to work the same body parts because they will hit those muscles a bit differently. This will make you more well-rounded and balanced, plus you won’t hit plateaus so easily.


Here’s the Sled Hack Machine in action:


And, then there’s always the sit-down leg press machines. Although they don’t use weight plates, they are still good machines. I use them to warm up since you can’t really add that much weight for a heavy set. Try low enough weight so that you can do 2 sets of 20 reps without reaching your maximum (failure). You’re only warming up, afterall. This Nautilus version is plate-loaded so you can go DAMN-HEAVY: