Full body, core, shoulders and arms workout virtual trainer

For a limited time, get the SUPERNOVEM for FREE!
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The 10in30 Supernovem  is a fat burning, muscle building, whole body workout that’s designed to challenge and push you to the limit. Novem means 9 in Latin, and that’s why it’s called the 10in30 Supernovem. It uses 9 exercises to target your entire body , especially your core!  All you need is a pair of light dumbbells.

Get the full REALTIME HD  10in30 SUPERNOVEM video  that you can play along while you workout!

Lose weight for the new year

It’s great because I do the workout right along with you so you can use the video as a timer, to reference each exercise and to check your form.

You don’t have to worry about keeping track of which set or how many reps you’re on since the exercises and current rep count are all shouted out. The rest periods are timed in realtime so you don’t have to worry about resting too much or not enough, and it has a pumping soundtrack with original, high energy songs !

If you are a PREMIUM MEMBER , you already have access to the Supernovem for free. If you haven’t signed up yet, enter your name and email address above to sign up for FREE and get advance access to workouts and exercises like this one, plus get access to a great member forum and much more!

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