FITNESS RX FOR MENThis info was learned from many issues of my favorite fitness magazine, FITNESS RX, which is based on scientific research and PUBLISHED results from studies conducted by respected organizations such as the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Their website sucks balls, but their magazine rules. No bullshit, no hype. Just straightforward info that’s not too wordy and cuts to the chase. And they always site their sources.

5 techniques to boost training intensity:
How to ensure you’re hitting your max with every set

Forced reps: (partner helps with the last two.)
Negatives: after failure, partner can lift so you do only the neg portion for a couple of reps. Or better yet, Negative Accentuated Training: Lift with two limbs, return with one.
Rest-Pause: Higher weight, fail at 3-4. Rest 10 secs. Around 2 more reps. Rest another 10 secs. Finish with another 1-2 reps. This way, you reach failure 3 times.
Drop Sets: Fail at 8 reps, then lower the weight to 70-80% and fail again.
Cheating Reps: use momentum for the last 1-2 reps BUT, you have to pause at the top at least briefly for true effectiveness.

Long-ass rest periods can significantly increase muscle hypertrophy (increase in muscle cell size). Consider FOUR minute rests between sets for at least one day per week. You don’t have to sit around like a weirdo, either. If you’re doing bench, go do the ab-crunch machine or perform a set of Plank Madness, then rest the remaining time ’til the four minutes are up.

YES, this is still true:
(shit you’ve known to be true, but knuckleheads have recently tried to disprove. this is based on recent studies proving they’re still true)

Running better than biking, but biking still good. Running engages more muscles including the core and the glutes a lot more than biking. And hills are best.

Consuming protein after a workout is gold. High protein, low carb meal after a workout boosts metabolic fires, repairs muscles, and decreases fat storage.

HIIT much better than steady state cardio to prevent muscle loss, burn fat faster, and speed up your metabolism so you burn fat all day


Currently taking:

OPTI-MEN Multivitamins. 3 a day, every day. keeps everything functioning right, specially formulated for people who work out, and push their bodies.

ON Whey protein with 5g BCAA’s, 4g Glutamine. Twice a day, one or two scoops, sometimes with milk for an extra 10g protein.

ON BCAA + Creatine 5g each, orange flavor. 30 – 45 minutes before a workout. BCAA’s make the muscles not tear down so much and creatine makes them grow.

Cytomax Sports Drink. 22g carbs, 60mg potassium, 6mg calcium, 14mg magnesium. Energy and endurance with electrolytes. I drink it during the workout itself. Prevents my friggin calves from cramping when running after a weight session.

Universal TORRENT. My newest and favorite supplement. All in one, post-workout recovery drink. 20g protein; 52g carbs including D-glucose, waxy maize, and maltodextrin; 3g creatine; 7g amino acids blend (taurine, glutamine Alpha Ketoglutarate AKG), L-Leucine, + more.

Fish Oil. 2 a day for essential fatty acids.

Blueberry Nut mix. More omegas and stuff for the heart.

Diet, Caffeine-Free Coke. Love the Coke, got to keep caffeine low. Already drink coffee or espresso in the morning, and sometimes another hit before the noon workout.

You can get more info and buy these HERE.

Questions, comments, suggestions, recommendations, and WTF’s are all welcome. Post in comments.


sweaty runner

sweaty runnerFeeling down? Not liking life too much these days? Try this: Stop thinking about yourself so much and liven the heck up! Easier said than done? Well you can’t do anything without giving it a wholehearted effort. Nothing! It aint gonna fall onto your lap.

So here’s a Recipe For Livening The Heck Up:
Sweat your buttocks off. Literally. Go outside and run Forest. If you come back and you’re a little cold, dry, and still feeling crappy, you didn’t run right. You ran wrong.

Try running harder. You can do this by running uphill. And I mean RUNNING. I didn’t say, “Barely moving your legs a bit”. Running, in this post, means SPRINTING. Full stretch of the legs to the front, and full movement to the back, while pumping your arms. Sprint ’til you can’t anymore, around 30 seconds, then jog or walk briskly for a minute or two before doing it again.

Can’t run, or don’t like to? Then lift weights. Intensely. Don’t like that either and love to take options away from yourself? Then do body-weight exercises. (squat jumps, pushups, high jumps, burpies, etc)


Take a look at this quote from WebMD:

When you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins. These endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain.

 Endorphins also trigger a positive feeling in the body, similar to that of morphine. For example, the feeling that follows a run or workout is often described as “euphoric.” That feeling, known as a “runner’s high,” can be accompanied by a positive and energizing outlook on life.

Read more here.

HELL YEAH, I feel euphoric after a workout! I feel like taking on THE WORLD! Not only because of the endorphins that are released, but the sense of accomplishment as well. It’s even stronger when you beat your previous record or hit a goal.

Try it once, and see how you feel. Soon you’ll be addicted and inclined to keep repeating, just like the street drugs you’re taking, you druggy. (kidding, don’t hit me) But this is a GOOD addiction. It will benefit the heck out of you.

As always, cheers and GOOD LUCK!

your pusher