I’ve been doing 100 reps lately. My new Lose 10 lbs in 30 Days plan has a few 100 rep supersets, and I’ve been incorporating them here and there.

A favorite right now is the Push/Pull superset of Pushups/Body Rows. 5 sets, 20 reps each. You can also combine Deep Pushups with Pullups Madness if you so desire.

But make it to 20 no matter what! Even if you have to take a few breathers of no more than 10 seconds. Just DO 20! Then rest after both your sets (pushups, rows) are done. This is a great superset because it works on the antagonist muscles, chest and back. You are pushing straight out in front of you in one set, then pulling yourself up in the same plane on the other.

Following that method, another great superset which you can do right after those are done, is Pullups/Dips. See how they are again moving along the same plane? This time, being a vertical plane; pulling yourself straight up through your shoulders in the Pullup, then pushing yourself up through your ribs in the Dip. Fantastic.

You can do a 100 superset of the first superset , but you can simply go to failure on the second exercise, Pullups/Dips, since these are much harder and you’re already beat from the first superset. Still, you’d do 5 sets. Then, RUN! Running after weight training has been proven the most effective time to burn fat since it takes at least 20 minutes for your body to begin burning fat as fuel for energy. That’s why you shouldn’t run first, it’ll deplete your muscles. HIIT running is the exception, since the concept is that you are running full force with lots of muscle being utilized, so you’re getting a muscle workout at the same time as burning fat. I love HIIT.

My new Lose 10 plan also has a kettlebell swing exercise that I prescribe 100 reps for with only 30 seconds in between. Maximum fat burning! 100 reps might seem like a lot, but it’s always broken down into sets with rests, so you can definitely do it. It feels great when you’re done to know that you just did 100 pushups (deep ones, preferably) and 100 rows, perhaps followed by 100 weighted crunches. <– Impressive, no?

During my run today, a sweet old lady crossing guard noticed that I was rubbing my upper leg muscles right above the knee because I started to cramp up.

I was cramping up because I had just finished a big Back and Chest workout, so apparently my blood was needed elsewhere. Plus, in the morning I had done my 12 minute HIIT that includes 2 sets of squat jumps and 2 sets of high jumps. That was at 7 a.m. around 15 minutes after waking up.

The night before, I had finished my leg workout around 9 p.m. which included 4 sets of squats and 2 sets of Lunge/Step ups. So, you see? My quads had plenty of reasons to cramp up!

Anyway, when I first passed her, I had thanked her with a smile and a one-hand-up salute in a high-five style but not actually asking for a slapping of the palms. She seemed to appreciate my appreciation.

On the way back, as I was crossing the street I jokingly exclaimed, “I’m done!” That’s when I was rubbing my legs and apparently making a face that said the opposite of, “I fucking love how I feel!”

My appearance must have prompted her to lean toward me and say in a compassionate tone, “I was a toe dancer. I know how you feel.”

I smiled and stopped right there. Right in the middle of the street since I felt the safety and security of my white-haired, florescent-vest-wearing guardian holding a stop sign above her head.

She went on to ask, “Do you have anything to put on it?”

“There’s a foam roller at the gym,” I assured.

Squinting as if trying to figure out the exact type of idiot I was, she stared at me for three seconds before clarifying, “No, I mean something you can rub on, like Ben Gay.”

“Oh!” I said through a grin, “Yeah, I have something at home,” and I started to walk away slowly as she kept talking about her toe dancing days when she was a total hottie I presume since I couldn’t clearly hear her anymore. I smiled, waved, and she waved back, still holding that stop sign above her head alerting drivers not to fucking kill me.

After some more rubbing and a bit of kneeding, I continued my 3.1 mile run back to the gym. I did not use any Ben Gay, thank you very much.


back muscles

Get a V-shaped back! Make your pecs explode! Delts and Lats from Hell!

Are you starting to plateau? Not seeing results? Are your workouts getting boring? CHANGE SHIT UP with this KILLER BACK AND CHEST WORKOUT!

OK, that’s enough of the advertising hype talk. Promise.

It’s good to “change shit up” every 30 or 60 days, depending on how you’re doing. If you’re still seeing growth, love your workout, and want to do another month of it, then by all means, carry on. But if you’d like a change, try combining unlikely partners in your quest to keep your body guessing.

For example, today I combined Back with its nemesis; Chest. Let the bloodbath begin. What happens when you work an opposite muscle to the one you’re mainly concentrating on? You get a well balanced workout and a well balanced body. That’s why my 10 in 30 workout plan has a back and some rear delt exercises during Chest day, and some tricep work during Back day.

Today, I pushed that concept further. It was time for Back day, but instead of only doing a few chest exercises to balance shit out, I went with 100 Deep Pushups! Hell to the Yeah! Seriously, I fricken love these. Started with Pullups Madness, and then Cable Rows and in between each set, I’d do a set of 20 reps of deep pushups with my feet on a bench. All the way down, baby!

I did 5 sets for a kick-ass total of 100 deep pushups. Niiice. So that takes care of my chest, and the Pullups and Rows took care of the back. I did two sets of wide, aviator grip rows, and two sets of narrow grip rows. Both were DROP SETS! <– Yes, that warrants all caps and an exclamation point. I’d max out on the heavy weight of rows at around 6 reps, then lower that shit and max out again, this time going at a faster, non-stop pace.

After the 2 mega sets of Pullups Madness and 4 drop sets of rows, I went to the FreeMotion cable machine for some straight-arm pulldowns. I love this machine so much I wish I had one at home. That’s really all you need for your entire body. Anyway, The straight-arm pulldowns took care of the lats for that impressive wide upper, V shaped back. These really brought out some back and lat muscles I’d never seen before. I’m starting to resemble a fricken cobra—AWESOME!

back muscles

back muscles

Here it is in a 10 in 30 style Nutshell:

Pullups Madness: Do as many pullups as you can, then immediately get on the assisted pullups machine or other assisted method and max out again, then add weight to the machine and max out one more time. Rest a minute, then do the three back to back sets all over again one time for a total of two mega sets. 2 sets.

Deep Pushups: Raise your feet on a bench or step so they’re at least parallel to your hands but preferably a bit higher and go way down to the maximum slowwwly, before pushing up in an explosive, >1 second. Do 20. If you can’t get to 20, stop and rest no more than 10 seconds and do some more. Take as many 10 second rests as you need to complete your 20 reps. 5 sets.

You’ll do these in between EVERY Back exercise ’til you get to 5 sets for 100 Deep Pushup Bad Boys.

Rows: Seated, wide grip. I used what I call a wide “aviator grip”attachment. Use any wide attachment. Max out real heavy at 6 in the 10 in 30 pace of 1 second pull 3 second return, then lower the weight and do some faster, non-stop, 1 second pull 1 second return reps to max out at 6 – 10 reps. 2 sets.

Rows: Seated, narrow grip. Same as above but the hands are almost touching. Again; drop sets. 2 sets.

Straight Arm Pulldowns: Without bending your arms, use a FreeMotion unilateral cable machine or a straight bar on a high cable and squat slightly keeping your back arched, chest out. Grab the handles or bar at the top, and pull down (without bending those arms) so that your hands end up by your thighs. SLOWLY, bring your hands back up. 3 sets.

CHEERS, and enjoy changing shit up and looking like a fricken cobra!

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(cheap joke, I know) But I am currently looking for participants who’d like to LOSE 10 lbs in 30 days. I am in the process of building part 2 of the site, and I am accepting ‘early birds’ for testimonial purposes and just to have some cool people join the forum and try it.

Of course, like the rest of the site, there is nothing to buy or commit to. You’ll get a peekaboo into the new Lose 10 lbs plan, and you’ll get a turbo boost on your summer weight loss goals. This is a one month, daily plan, so it’s best if you’re not in love with your current workout regimen but instead are willing to try a new supercharged plan. Besides, shocking the body by changing up your workouts every month or two is the way to keep improving and not plateauing. So why not give it a whirl, yes? You’ve got nothing to lose! <– Wait. Let me rephrase that.


Sign up by becoming a member of the forum and making a new topic where you can state that you want to try the new Lose 10 lbs plan. I’ll make you a special type of member that allows you to view the “hidden, special, VIP, one-of-a-kind, for superstars only” pages.

Thanks, and good luck with your goals!


The 10 in 30 workout plan is not just a bunch of exercises put together nilly willy. It’s designed to work your major body part groups to maximize gains and results. Similar exercises follow each other so that some muscles are being worked back to back, while other muscles are joining in.

For example, the Back Day starts with Lateral Pulldowns which will give you a wide, muscular back. They are followed by Seated Rows, which also work much of the same muscles of the back, but from a totally different angle. Remember that changing even the slightest angle makes a big difference since the weight is distributed differently while still engaging much of the same muscles. The third back exercise is Bent Over Unilateral Dumbbell Row which seems like the same movement as Rows, but you are working one arm and one side of your back at a time. This will help give you that split down the middle of your back.

After the big exercises are done for Back Day, the 10 in 30 plan goes to two Tricep exercises, and two Bicep exercises. These are more concentrated exercises that focus on much smaller muscles that also performed some of the work during the heavy pulling exercises at the beginning. The triceps got to work a little during the Straight-Arm Cable Pulldowns and are included to balance out the upper arms. (your core and abs also get a good workout during the Straight-Arm Cable Pulldowns!)

The Legs Day starts with the hardest exercises, Barbell Squats and Step-Ups and then gives you a break with two calf exercises, back to back, before hitting the quads again with Lunges. It’s important to do the squats first, while you’re fresh, then take a break from working on the quadriceps. You’ll get back to them at the end with the unilateral Lunges.

Chest Day works the same way, with the star player, Incline Bench Press being first along with the Incline Dumbbell Flies. We hit the inclines first, since most guys have a harder time developing the upper pecs, and the middle pecs get a major workout during the inclines anyway. We go back to Flat Bench Press at the end, though, after taking a break with Cable Crossovers and Pec Dec Flies to really get that ‘cut’ in the center of your chest. The next exercises, Rear Delt Fly and Rotator Cuff Extensions are for balance and strengthening the back and rear deltoids (shoulders) during Chest Day. This is to prevent overworking your chest which will pull on the back muscles and rear delts, causing rotator cuff soarness and injury. This way, your body is pulling on both sides, front and back, giving you a proper straight-up posture with shoulders back, chest out.

It’s good to vary the rest times as well, specially when lifting really heavy or doing Supersets like in Shoulder Day. After the Standing Military Press and Standing Upright Rows Supersets, you go into Seated Arnolds which are some heavy-duty presses for exploding your shoulders. You rest for 2 minutes in between sets of the Seated Arnolds to allow you to lift really heavy, with proper form, and therefore take full advantage of such a great exercise! Here, again, you start with the heavy exercises, and then move on to the more concentrated, smaller muscle work—the Dumbbell Side and Front raises. You’ll do these with much smaller weights, with higher reps. I usually use 15lb dumbbells or less for these.

The Arms portion of Shoulder Day is a bit different since we’re only concentrating on the smaller bicep and tricep muscles for the rest of the workout. So, we superset the hell out of them! This type of workout is made to send huge amounts of blood to the area being worked on, in this case— your upper arms. By working on both front and rear of your arms, right after shoulders, you’ll get a massive pump of blood that will leave your arms looking insane! It’s ok to chuckle with amazement while checking out your arms in the mirror after you’re done.

Abs Day is meant to target lower and upper abs as well as obliques in a fast-moving circuit. Add weight to really make your ab muscles get bigger. Yes, in order to get some truly impressive abs, you must work them out like you do your other muscles. Get them bigger so they stick out! There are no exercises that stretch them out and widen them like crunches on the back extension bench. This is because most of us do not want a big, wide, stomach, regardless of how much your abs show. That’s why we do Box Crunches and other exercises that contract your torso by curling it and do not stretch it out by bending backwards.

Do the 10 in 30 workout plan in order, do not replace exercises, and it’s also best to do the days in order to prevent overworking a muscle group by not letting it rest enough. If you don’t want to do two leg days, you can rest on Thursday and only do abs + cardio, so that your biceps and triceps will be ready for the ~damage~ they will incur during Friday’s workout.

Now work out hard, eat a lot, sleep like a baby, and HAVE A GREAT LIFE!

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How many times have you seen friends start some kind of fitness routine, either as a New Year’s resolution or during other times, only to stop doing it within a few weeks—if that. Why do you think this happens?? Have you been a victim of this yourself?

There can be many reasons for conking out early, but here are what I consider the top 5 reasons:


1. Too Hard – Many people have jumped on the P90x train—and a powerful, fast-moving train it is! You will definitely get results, IF you can stand it. That’s right, P90x is tough. I’ve known a lot of people that have started it, but only 1 that completed it. Why would that be? It takes a real strong mind to keep doing it, that hard, day after day.

Pushing yourself to the extreme continuously can lead to burn out in most people. This is especially true if you have other pressing issues in your life like kids, a stressful job with long hours, family problems, etc.

Are you ready to lift heavy? Ease up, Sheera.

Be honest about what level of fitness you are, and what you can handle—at this time.That’s right, what you can handle now is totally different from what you will be able to handle next month if you stick with a program.

While you should push yourself to have an awesome workout, recognize that rest is just as important. Maybe start with rest days in between workout days, regardless if you’re training different body parts.

Also, you might want to limit the sets or total workout time for the first few weeks going to failure only once a week. Just make sure you’re enjoying it and leaving some energy for tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that…

2. Logistics – having to travel 20 miles to a gym at 5 in the morning is just setting yourself up to fail. You pretty much know you aren’t going to be able to keep this up for very long, so you sort-of have a pre-written excuse. Don’t do that to yourself! If someone set you up to fail, knowing what they were doing, and you totally fell for it, you’d be pissed at them, right?

Well you’re supposed to love yourself, damnit! So treat yourself better than that.

Be sure you get 8 hrs sleep so you can workout hard.

Find a nearby gym or set up a home gym (you can even workout with minimal equipment like a Jungle Gym or a Stretch Band) and if you’re going to do a class or Boot Camp, make sure it’s not at an ungodly hour like 5am. If it is, then make sure it’s 5 minutes away from your home, not 30 minutes.

3. Lack of Commitment – Did you steal P90x from the internet instead of buying it, or decide to run around the neighborhood in your old shoes instead of getting good, new shoes that will protect you from injury? It’s the mentality that you haven’t invested anything that let’s you quit easily. You’re not taking this new lifestyle seriously.

If you joined a gym, or hired a personal trainer, or even bought a good pair of new sneakers, you’re more likely to feel guilty about quitting. And I know the statistics about the percentages of people who stop going to gyms, but those people were bound to quit—whether it be at a gym or at home. It was most likely due to one of the reasons mentioned here. Commit, baby!

4. Short Term Mentality – Getting in shape for a special event like a reunion or pool party? This can be motivational and it can be the necessary fire under your butt, but keep reminding yourself that it will not end once the event is over. Keep telling yourself that this is not a short-term fix, but a lifestyle change.

From NOW ON, you will exercise regularly and you will keep your diet in check. The event is simply your first “show”. There will be many more.  In fact, plan what you are going to do next month, and the month after that, such as 10in30 for month one, fat-cutting with a specific goal for month 2, etc. Which leads to:<

5. Lack of Specific Goals – Saying that you’re going to “get in shape” is almost meaningless. Weigh yourself, check how much fat you have, and make a goal to get down (or up) to a specific weight and fat percentage by a realistic date.

You can also give yourself a weightlifting goal like I did—Squat 50% more by my birthday, and break it up into small, weekly goals. Know what you are trying to achieve, and check your progress weekly ’til you get to that goal, and you will get to that goal!

Instead of killing yourself and burning out early, or having one fantastic week followed by 2 sorry-ass weeks, keep it consistent and enjoyable.

Because CONSISTENCY is far better than sporadic great workouts that will fizzle out soon. You can also do what I do and change things up with new equipment (which leads to new workouts) and changing your general goals every 1-2 months.



Want to burn fat and keep burning it throughout the day? Then wake the hell up and do some HIIT Cardio on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning. You can have coffee for the quick boost, but NO SUGAR. You’ll conk out half way through the workout once the sugar buzz is burned and used up.

This morning, I DID THIS:

squat jumps
sumo jumps
anchored feet situps
lying leg raises
straight-legged pikes with furniture sliders + pushup
bent knee pikes with furniture sliders

Every 30 seconds, I switched to low intensity, light, jog in place. Then, back to one of the aforementioned high intensity bastards! 12 minutes is all you need! You can do 15, but you really don’t need to. This way you can do it every morning, even on weight training days and you won’t burn out. Remember, CONSISTENCY TRUMPS INTENSITY! But intensity rules too. Just don’t burn out, ok?

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It was time for a straight Back Day. No messing around, no mixing shit up, no half-assed “I’m tired” stuff. Super sets are my thing, and today was no exception. Protein shake with BCAA’s an hour before. Green tea pill half hour before. iPod with kick-ass music blasting. This makes a HUGE difference, at least for me. Music has a big impact on me. So, instead of working out to Nine Inch Nails’ ‘Hurt’ on the gym’s loudspeakers and inevitably yawning mid way through, I resorted to heavy bass dubstep and other electro goodness. To each their own.

Here’s what I did:

Bent Over Rows
Pullups Madness.
Regular pullups, then immediately jump on the Assisted Pullups machine, add 40# and do more. Then, chinups using a semi-supinated grip (palms facing each other). Then add another 20 for 60# total, and do another set of pullups/chinups. Keep doing that ’til you get to 4 assisted sets. I did this twice.
Straight Arm Press Downs on cable machine, separate hands. For Lats.
Unilateral Bent Over Rows Dumbbells. 3 sets with hand on bench, 2 with elbow on bench. 2 more stepping way to the side to allow the row to be more centered on the body.
Seated High Rows Wide grip, Narrow semi-
supinated grip. 2 & 2.
Body Rows with Barbell 3 sets.
Straight Arm Press Downs with high cable, and straight bar.
Reverse Flies seated, with cables. 3 high intensity sets.

Whew! Mostly back to back with no rest. I alternated bicep intensive exercises like Pullups and Rows with the Straight Arm exercises while the biceps rested. Only rested :30 as necessary. Whole thing took around 45 minutes. Major sweat buckets! I now feel devastated. Thanks a lot.

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