bench press not necessary

Everyone blabs about how the bench press is the god of chest exercises, but there are so many other ways to build an impressive chest.

What is your favorite?

I happen to prefer 2 exercises over bench press. Those that have been here a while may have heard me mention the first one, DEEP PUSHUPS, quite a few times.

The second is a press/fly hybrid exercise I created that’s performed on the cables. I call it

It is similar to using free weights in that there is no predetermined path, so your range of motion is completely unrestricted. This means that you use your stabilizer muscles just like you do with free weights. The difference is that you won’t kill yourself with cables. Although I bet some of us may find a way.



You stand with the cables at shoulder height, and if you can control the width like you can with the incredibly awesome Freemotion Cable machines, set it so that they are kind of wide, like 10 inches outside of your shoulders. Keep your elbows close to your body to prevent the very common shoulder strain or injuries.

Bring the cables forward by pushing just like you would with any of the chest press exercises, but at the same time, ADDUCT your arms, meaning; bring them in toward your center so they meet and greet each other. “Hello, left.” “Hello, right.”

Your thumbs should be pointed toward the floor as if your are double-punching someone in both of his eyes. Your arms will be almost fully extended at the elbow, with only a slight bend. You don’t need to lock them in place because there is no point to that unless you’re interested in fugging up your joints.

Now comes the beauty of my madness. Once they meet each other in front of you, and after the proper formalities have been exchanged, take a deep breath and then as you exhale, ROTATE THE BAD BOYS outward so that your thumbs end up on the outside, fingers up. REALLY CRUNCH THAT SHIT!

Again, exhale as you are crunching and be sure you are not lowering your arms. Keep them at face level. Remember, you’re punching someone on both of his eyes and it would be wrong if that person was smaller than you.

Hold it for 2 seconds as you exhale and keep them TOUCHING. Now, un-rotate as you return them to the start position while inhaling.

Keep these pretty heavy so that you fail at 6-8. This way, you can build a chest that will scare the children or turn the girls on, depending on where you like to walk around shirtless. Three to four sets should suffice.

Hi friends, relatives, and partners in crime. This is a news update to inform you that we have a new WoW, and a new Eow (Workout of the Week and Exercise of the Week! These are actually last week’s entries so look out for yet another two in the following days. They took a bit longer because the WoW has a REALTIME video just like the 12 Minute HIIT so there were a few extra days of production.

The Workout of the Week is a dandy of a workout that will make you say nasty things about me. That’s OK. I can take it. You’ll feel better afterward and will end up thanking me. Or not. Who cares? The certain thing is that it will definitely give you a great challenge and do its job of confusing your muscles, killing workout boredom, and burn your unwanted fat while building you some muscle!

Workout of the Week: The 10in30 Supernovem!
An insane circuit of 9 back to back, full body exercises that you perform in a pyramid of reps starting with just 1 rep of each. Try to get through the whole workout, only resting at the end of each set!

Exercise of the Week: Swinging Leg Lifts!
You may have heard me rave about how hanging leg lifts are one of the best ab exercises. Well these are a variation of them which allows you to do more, thus burning more fat. See the video for inspiration!

Hello boys and girls, men, women, and everything in between! BUM here, with an announcement that we have the very first Workout of the Week (WoW)!


It is one of my favorite ways to blast the hell out of my upper arms when my usual gym routine is starting to get boring. It uses my beloved Jungle Gym and it absolutely MASSACRES my biceps and tricep. This homicide occurs because of the insane amount of drop sets (back to back sets with slightly lower resistance with no rest in between).

Then, after a brief rest period, we turn that sh!t up with a 10in30 coined workout method:
SUPER-DROP-SETS! These are even better than drop sets because they incorporate alternating opposite muscle exercises while simultaneously dropping resistance to max-out repeatedly.

HOW TO DO IT. Get a suspension trainer like my Jungle Gym and go to:

for a motivational video on how to be like Jason from Friday the 13th, and go after your biceps and triceps with RECKLESS ABANDON.


YOU MAY BE EAGER to start your new exercise program now that the new year has begun. Maybe a little too eager. There’s a saying I keep repeating in my blog, Twitter, and everywhere:


If you work out super hard, wake up super early (earlier than you’re used to), cut your calories like if you’re some kind of prisoner in a foreign jail, and do other ungodly things, you might burn out like everyone else does with their fitness resolutions.

The key is to make it sustainable. Not saying to take it super easy either. Just make it a gradual change in your lifestyle so that no part of it is too much of a shock. If you’re already used to working out regularly, then you may be able to start off with a bang and keep it that way, but if you’re used to exercising moderately “every once in a while”, don’t suddenly start your 2hr sessions every day at 5am if you don’t normally wake up at that time. You’ll shoot yourself in the foot.

If you want to cut calories to lose 10 lbs in 30 days, I suggest you do so at the rate of 100-200 calories a day for the first week, then decrease another 100-200 the next week and so on until you get to your goal.

THE ONLY WAY to lose weight is to cut calories so that you have a deficit, meaning you’re burning more than you are consuming. You can eat less, work out more, or combine both. Either way, at the end of the day your calorie intake will be less than what you’re now having.

HOWEVER, despite the name of this site being Lose 10 lbs in 30 Days, we really are talking about losing 10 lbs of FAT. <– This is what you’re really trying to get rid of. If you simply say you want to lose 10 lbs, you are not being focused enough. You want to keep firm muscle, in fact MAKE firm muscle and get rid of soft, squishy, useless, body-warping excess fat.

Therefore, you should not run.

Ok, i may have exaggerated but it was to get your attention. You should not exclusively run. You NEED to lift weights so that you build and maintain muscle. You know why? Because having muscle on your body will help you burn fat all on it’s own. Your body burns fat in order to fuel the muscles that it’s trying to keep. That’s why a consistent program of cardio combined with weight training will be the FASTEST WAY to burn fat—specifically 10 lbs in 30 days.

“But what happens after the 30 days?” asks Biff. (Biff has a lot of questions) You do another month to lose another 10 lbs. if that’s what you want. If you are ok with your results or are getting too skinny and would rather put on muscle then switch to a muscle making workout program and maybe raise your calories a bit so that you are no longer in a deficit. You may not necessarily want an excess of calories since that will make you gain weight, so you balance it out and adjust accordingly.

“How do you know how much you’re eating in the first place??” Well, Biff, you should be eating for sustenance, not for pleasure. This will make it easy to measure how many calories you’re eating since all meals will be planned. You no longer will decide what you’re going to eat 15 minutes before you actually eat it. You should make your meals so you can control carbs, protein, and especially salt.

Healthy food can be delicious too.

And eat basic meals. Not every meal has to be the GRAND FREAKING MEAL worthy of Facebook pics, you know. Save that for the weekend when you go out on dates.

Shock? Are you out of here? Ok bye, no problem. It’s ok if you love to eat. You just have to decide what you want more:

  • all kinds of food that tastes really good but does nothing to help your body or
  • a body you can feel proud of, that is full of energy, and keeps you feeling great

Seriously, it’s your choice and both are ok with me. Maybe you’ve been living the “eat what you want so it benefits your taste buds” lifestyle for years already.

Don’t you want to give the “eat what your body needs and what will make you look hot in a bathing suit” lifestyle this year? It’s only one year. I promise you’ll like it more.

Don’t worry, you can have a cheat day once a week. You’ll look forward to it and will enjoy the heck out of it because you worked so hard to deserve it. Much better than if you do nothing to help your body, and still eat crap every single day. That does not sound appealing, does it?

Ok, I’m done. The lesson is to do one hour of exercise where you really push it every day, cut your calories by a little every week, and plan your meals. Keep it simple. Don’t make yourself leave work at a specific time every day, running out of the office, pissing off the boss, driving like a maniac for 15 miles to make it to a class. Make your life convenient and simple so you can sustain it from now on. You’ll love it and you’ll love the new you.



I had heard many a mentions about the most hated, most dreaded guy in the gym but I had not encountered him or his evil ways in my many years of working out in many gyms. I was convinced his story was only a legend.

Today, as if I had recited his name three times in front of the gym’s nasty-ass restroom mirror HE APPEARED. (I had not, I swear!) A terrifying experience it was. He is known as:


Upon arriving at the gym, I walked over to the only squat rack and I saw that it was occupied by a man with earplugs with skulls on them. I had yet to discover who this mysterious man was nor did I care. Hoping, no—PRAYING that he was using the squat rack for squats, lunges, or maybe some heavy shrugs, I waited for his apparent rest period to end. As he picked up the bar, I assumed it would go up over his head and land on his shoulders, but to my total and complete horror, it did not do as expected.

I should have seen the signs, the clear, obvious signs: HE PICKED UP THE BAR WITH A SUPPINATED GRIP! Who picks up the bar like that when they are about to place it on their shoulders and squat in the squat rack? WHO?!

In one motion he lifted the bar to the front of his shoulders while keeping his elbows somewhere near his sides. To my utter shock and dismay, I realized HE WAS DOING BICEP CURLS! Just then a black cat ran across the weight room and a large, dark shadow with what appeared to be horns floated upward, hugging the wall, right through the ceiling. At least I’m pretty sure I saw that.

My workout had not started, yet I was sweating. I turned away quickly before he noticed me and made myself busy with forearm curls. I considered singing “La la la” but that would have been too obvious. Same for whistling.

Good thing the squat rack could only take so much, because he finished without notice, without putting the bar away, WITHOUT REMOVING THE FREAKING PLATES from the bar. No surprise there, for someone as evil and sadistic as to do freaking bicep curls in the squat rack would clearly not have the humanity to clean up after himself.

Speaking of cleaning after oneself, (no, I did not shit my pants tho I was close) I could not use the inverted leg press while waiting for the squat rack because someone failed to clean their ball of sweat left on the headrest. It looked like someone threw a grapefruit at the headrest and it exploded, its citrusy juices running down. I’d be a smart man to bet large amounts of money that it was THE SQUAT RACK KILLER who also took out the inverted leg press. Serial killers by definition do not just kill once.

So I carried on with my workout wearing a smile on my face, being glad that the horrific ordeal was over.

Today’s Leg workout:

  • Barbell Squats superset with light 75 pound, 12-step walking lunges x3 sets
  • Laying Sled Press dropsets – Heavy (fail @ 6reps) then Light (fail @ 12reps) x 3 sets
  • Kickboxing heavy bag workout – 10 minutes
  • Leg extensions superset with Seated hamstring curls x 2 dropsets each

That is all, my most trusted, honored and beloved friends. That is all.


Do not watch the video with the lights off. You have been warned.

Forever truly yours,



1. Start with a fresh green pepper, red pepper, white onion and this salsa.

Green pepper, red pepper, onion

2. We’ll use low sodium turkey breast, 3 eggs per burrito, and refried beans.

3. Pam instead of oil. Spray an unheated pan for one second, then heat it up under medium heat.

4. While the pan is heating up, chop up the vegetable triad nice and chunky. Test the pan by sprinkling some water on it with your fingers. If it sizzles, it’s ready. Toss the vegetables in.

5. Raise the heat a bit and let them cook for around 3 minutes, then toss in the chopped turkey. Toss it around so it’s all mixed up. Let it cook around 3 minutes.

6. Scramble the eggs in a bowl, give your pan another one second spray, and pour the eggs in. Lower the heat back to medium and stir often.

7. Heat up another large, flat pan and when it’s ready (use the sprinkle test) place your large tortilla in it. Check it after one minute to make sure it’s not getting toasty. It should be warm, but soft so that it doesn’t crack like a tostada. Flip once.

8. Microwave around this much beans for one minute or use up another pan, but microwaving is easier.


9. Make sure the eggs and turkey are cooked well, then it’s ready to be wrapped!


10. Place the tortilla on a large plate and spread the warm, soft beans on one half of the tortilla.


11. Add your beautiful mixture.


12. Add the salsa.


13. Fold, tuck, and roll.

You may want to place it on the warm pan again while you prepare the garnishing.


14. Finish off your masterpiece with some colorful garnishings!














On fueling your body.

There are many people who are into the whole organic, natural foods thing. I cannot claim I am one of them. How can I not be into organics if I am into fitness and building my body??

Well, I didn’t say I’m against it, I’m just not that into you, Organic food. I choose organic foods sometimes when I see them at the supermarket but most importantly, when they make sense for my goal. For example, my supermarket has organic ground beef, but it is the fat kind. Something like 85% lean. What the hell? I only get the 96% lean. Big difference eh?

If you keep eating the organic but high-in-saturated-fat ground beef you will quickly see a negative effect in your body while I pretty-much guarantee you will not see or feel any positive difference. However, if you have been eating just any ground beef without looking at its fat content you are most likely eating the 85% variety whether organic or not. Switch to the heart-friendly, 96% lean ground beef and you’ll look and feel better quick.

I know this sounds “crazy” and ill informed but I do not notice a difference at all when I buy organic except at the checkstand. However, mess up on eating the right amount of macros, or eat too much sugar or salt or saturated fat and you’ll see the damage in a few days. Then it’s hell trying to undo it. ISN’T IT? You know I’m right! We’ve all been there. This goes back to not losing site of what your goal is when it comes to fueling your body.

You need to get certain macro-nutrients into your body every day to be healthy, and you need more of them and more kinds if your are constantly destroying your body. Yes, if you are bodybuilding you are destroying your muscle cells, but then you are repairing them and getting sexier : ).

Have you seen that guy or girl at work who is always touting how “organic” they are eating? Perhaps opening packages of organic foods during lunch, maybe trying to convince you to eat like them? How do they look? Do you want your physique to resemble theirs? Not necessarily. At least, I have not seen one that looks like they put emphasis on their physique.

The problem with many of them is that they are concentrating on WHAT NOT TO PUT INTO THEIR BODY  instead of WHAT TO PUT INTO THEIR BODY. Scary? That’s because all caps means business! If you are in the process of transforming your body, you need to concentrate on what you are getting into your body and how much of it, more than what not to put into it. Makes sense?

skinny or fitMost of the people I’ve seen that are heavily into eating organic or even worse; eating vegetarian, are not very fit. They are usually skinny. And remember ladies, Skinny is a Bad Word. Skinny means you have very little muscle which means you don’t have many beautiful curves on your strong, lean, sexy body. You know that men certainly do not want to be skinny, but women should not aim to be skinny either! Ever see skinny women with “spaghetti legs”? Basically straight tubes like Olive Oil’s legs? Yeah. Not pretty.

Back on track here. So make sure your number one goal is to put the right amount of protein and carbs into your body every day. Going down in weight? See this. Need to pack on some muscle? See this. And don’t forget fats. You need a certain amount of fats as well. Usually, taking a couple of fish oil pills and maybe some peanut butter, avocato or some tuna will suffice for your fat intake. The most important macro-nutrients THAT YOU SHOULD KEEP TRACK OF are protein and carbs. You can keep track using

What about the whole sugar versus artificial sugar debate? You already know not to eat foods with high fructose corn syrup, right? That’s the worst kind of sweetener there is. It is super-processed sugar from corn and it makes you fat, fast. “How about natural, organic sugar?” asks Biff. NO BIFF, natural sugar makes you fat too! Fact is, all sugar is converted to fat by your liver and puts you in the fat storage mode. Even honey!

So we come to artificial, non-sugar sweeteners. You may think artificial sugars like Splenda are bad, but the claims that it might give you cancer and other things are usually extremely rare, only in large doses at a time, and only tested on lab rats. Natural sugar is WAY WORSE since you see the negative results surely and almost immediately. Don’t be fooled by thinking that being fat is just unsightly; it can kill you faster than you think. So instead of concentrating on not eating artificial sugar, remember what your goal is; to put certain macros into your body.

Gold Standard Whey ProteinCase in point: Protein shakes.
Both Syntha-6 and MusclePharm’s Combat Powder use Sucralose (splenda) and only have 2g of sugar. Even the most popular protein powder, Gold Standard Whey, uses only 1g of sugar.

They wouldn’t use a ton of sugar like a soft drink or chocolate milk, even “natural organic sugar” because that would defeat the purpose of buying it in the first place; to gain some lean muscle and look good naked! : ) They would not sell very much product because most of the time, you don’t want to eat any sugar. The only exception are post-workout drinks where you actually want to ingest sugars in order to raise your insulin levels at that moment in order to help with the absorption of the very protein you’re drinking.

As a rule of thumb, stay away from eating a lot of sugar of any kind. And no, artificial sweeteners are not actual sugars but they are safe.

PEACE and good luck with your transformation!


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