You don’t have to risk your life to have fun exercising outdoors like these guys although it looks like a lot of fun, right?


Amazing display of athleticism along with insane courage but how about not breaking your neck and instead doing the 10in30 Bleacher Blast outdoor workout?

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The Premium section also has Exercises of the Week, which show you an exercise you probably haven’t heard of, but are effective in changing up your routine. Exercises you can do outdoors include:

1. Stadium Jumps!

2. Swinging Leg Lifts!

3. Straight Arm Pullups!

4. One Legged Lunge Jumps!

– See more at:

As always, be careful, especially with the jumping exercises or stepping down from the bleachers. Be sure you’re stepping down forward in a straight line instead of at an angle as you don’t want your ankle to roll to the side with the force. I recommend leaning a bit toward the inside while stepping down from any high surface. Good luck, leave a comment and let me know if you have any questions!


Folks, be careful with trying new supplements. There are basically very few supplements that actually work so, to be safe, stick with the true and tried brands and products. The products in my pic above are all made by highly respected companies that most experienced bodybuilders and regular fitness fanatics have been using for most of our entire fitness years. The following article should remind you to be careful with new products, but not deter you from using the time-tested ones like those in my Supplements page.

Melissa Healy, Los Angeles Times

When the Food & Drug Administration recalls your “all natural” dietary supplement for containing prescription pharmaceuticals, you may think that ensures a rapid restoration of the misbranded product to its wholesome natural state, right?

Wrong, says a new study.

Several months after supplements were recalled for being illegally laced with prescription drugs, researchers bought them off the shelves and from the online inventories of supplement retailers and checked whether they continued to contain the illegal substances for which they’d been recalled.

In two-thirds of cases, the supplements did.

And in more than 1 in 5 cases, the researchers found a second (or more) illegal ingredients in the recalled products. Either the supplement maker had doubled down in the wake of the FDA’s recall, adding more illegal ingredients to the product, or the FDA had failed to flag the additional adulteration in the first place.

Those findings came in a research letter published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association. More than half of adult Americans use nutritional supplements of some sort, mostly vitamin and mineral supplements. But products that often include herbal and botanical extracts and are marketed as bodybuilding, weight-loss or sexual enhancement aids are a multibillion-dollar business.

Unlike drugs, dietary supplements don’t have to be proved safe before being sold, and manufacturers can make general claims about health benefits. With limited powers to regulate nutritional supplements, the FDA in recent years has stepped up its recalls of nutritional supplements that are adulterated with prescription medications.

In the three years beginning January 2009, the agency demanded that 274 such supplements be withdrawn from the market until the prescription drugs they illegally contained was removed.

More often than not, however, the latest assessment suggests the FDA is failing to enforce its orders. The samples–roughly three-quarters of which were produced by American manufacturers–were drawn anywhere from eight to 52 months after recalls had been ordered. The average sample was taken about three years after a recall.

Of the 27 dietary supplements sampled by a team led by Dr. Pieter A. Cohen, 13 were sports-enhancement nutritional supplements, and 11 of them — 85 percent — continued to contain prescription ingredients (including anabolic steroids). Of nine weight-loss products sampled, six continued to contain prescription medications.

meridia“Natural” miracle cures peddled for weight loss can include any number of ingredients, ranging from unproven to outright harmful. The recalled products typically included sibutramine (marketed as Meridia) or phenolphthalein. Phenolphthalein is a laxative that is being withdrawn from over-the-counter medications as a possible carcinogen, and sibutramine was withdrawn from the market in 2010 after it found to have increased the risk of cardiovascular events such as stroke and heart attack.

Among the illegal substances found in the supplements were a sibutramine analog, benzyl sibutramine, that’s never been tested in humans.

Although dietary supplements marketed as “male enhancement” are frequently recalled for containing sildenafil (better known as Viagra), only one of the five such products sampled still had the prescription product in it.

If the FDA intends to protect the American public from products that could ply them with unknown prescription medications, Cohen wrote, it will need to increase its enforcement of supplement recalls and may need additional powers or resources to do the job.

(c)2014 Los Angeles Times

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This guy attempts to race a subway train by getting off on one exit, then sprinting it, balls-out, through the city, to the next station to get on the same car.

Race The Tube – Sprint – YouTube.


It’s more important than most people think. Have you ever heard someone say, “I only need four hours of sleep”?

While they may think they’re being truthful, they are not exactly correct. The fact is, your body needs many hours of sleep in order to function at its optimum. If someone seems to be operating just fine on 4-5 hours of sleep, they will still be better off and even more productive if they were to get a full eight hours.

We physical fitness freaks have long known how important sleep is to recovery. We know that growth and repair only happens at rest; particularly when you sleep. Don’t get enough sleep and your gains go backward due to overtraining also known as under recovering. It is also understood that those who sleep less tend to be fatter, and have a harder time getting rid of body fat.

But what else does a lack of sleep impact besides your muscles, tendons, and body fat?

Recent discoveries have shown that not getting enough sleep can cause permanent damage to brain cells and that making up sleep in the following days is actually ineffective in reversing the brain damage.

Sleep is so important to every-day functioning that the The American Academy of Pediatricians has recently suggested that schools push their start times later in the morning due to the teen agers’ circadian rhythm.

“…anything less than 8.5 hours to nine hours a night on school days—can contribute to health issues such as obesity, diabetes, mood changes and behavior problems.”

Read more about the AAP’s suggestion for schools to start later as opposed to suggesting teens go to bed earlier: “School Should Start Later” Click here.

Read more about how the body and nervous system need lots of sleep for recovery from exercise. “Do Athletes Need Extra Sleep” Click here. “The Importance Of Sleep!” And here.

“New York Times: “Sleep After Hard Workouts? You Must Be Dreaming” And also here.

How many hours do you get? How are your workouts? How about your alertness and ability to think? Let me know in the comments!

– bum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem.

Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim.

Read more

Americans Spend Over  .2 Billion Per Year on Gluten-Free Food

Are you “Gluten-Free”? Do you avoid the normal foods healthy people eat because “gluten is unhealthy” or “gluten makes you fat” or your body simply can’t tolerate gluten?

If your body can’t tolerate gluten, then you’re certainly aware of the rare disease that you have. You are part of the rare 1% that have Celiac. I feel for you. How long ago were you diagnosed?

Celiac disease is a rare condition where an individual experiences an immune reaction to eating gluten – a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye – which is completely reasonable to consume unless one has this condition. But many people declare themselves “gluten-free” even if they don’t suffer from Celiac.

Here at 10in30, we believe in logic, simplicity, common sense. We eat protein. We eat carbs. We workout hard. Carbs from wheat allow us to workout hard. We don’t make excuses, and we don’t make ourselves out to be victims of diseases we don’t have.

If you do have Celiac disease, gluten-free is something that you unfortunately have to deal with. But before helping out the economy by spending your hard-earned money on gluten-free foods, and also sacrificing progress in your body transformation, how about you get tested. You probably don’t have it. (only 1%, remember?) 

Read more: Americans Spend Over $4.2 Billion Per Year on Gluten-Free Food.

Fitness and health friends, if you could only get ONE piece of fitness equipment for the home, what would I recommend?

It would have to make a big difference quick, and work more than one body part. It would have to be convenient, easy to use and light so you can use it often.

Would you like to have toned arms, a defined back, and of course your six pack shining through?

Then I recommend the standard DOORWAY PULLUP BAR!


pullup bar

Get it at Amazon! Quick, they just dropped the price to $19.95! < Be sure to get this one as it comes with free ab straps.

If you can’t do a pullup yet, no worries! It’s all about progression. Start off by placing your feet on a chair to help you a bit. You can also attach a strong elastic band that you place your knee into so it can help you pull yourself up. You then lessen the help each week by either pushing the chair farther away or getting a weaker band. Keep doing that weekly ’til you can do 6 regular pull ups. Women, I’m talking to you too!

This will give you a defined back instead of a soft, shapeless, smooth looking back (back fat, yuck). It’s also great for your biceps. It’s marketed as being good for pushups, but in true, honest 10in30 fashion, I think they don’t do much for pushups. I mean, they might help you go a bit deeper, but you can get by with doing pushups on the floor.

I just leave it up there and switch between pullups, pushups, squat jumps, leg raises. Rest 1 minute. Repeat 3x.

Ladies, don’t worry about getting too much definition. This is the same as the common concern about “getting to muscular”. You have to actively try to get super muscular. The pros go through hell, don’t think you can get like them “by accident”. That’s a funny concept when you think about it like that, right?

Abs? Yes, it is great for abs.

abs wipers, pullup bar, six pack

You can do “Windshield Wipers” or regular leg lifts.

You have to get the one that comes with free ab straps so you can hang from them when doing leg or knee raises. Once you can do many leg raises with the straps, progress to hanging by your hands like in the pic above. You can even do drop sets like I do: Start by hanging by your hands and do as many leg raises as you can, then immediately use the straps and do some more leg raises.

But be sure to do the correctly!

Don’t just lift your legs or knees, as you are only working your leg flexors (small muscles that raise your legs at the hip). What you want to do is CURL YOUR BODY at the abs after your legs are raised. Then use your abs to raise your feet to the bar. Be sure to come down slowly to make your abs work there as well!

To read more and watch some videos as well as other stuff to help you do your first pullup check my page:

Thanks for reading! Please use the Share buttons down there so your friends can benefit too!



People who “always” or “often” fretted about their spouse were almost twice as likely to die during the course of the study

Excessive arguing with family and friends may lead to early death - Los Angeles Times

Excessive arguing with family and friends may lead to early death – Los Angeles Times

Unreasonable spouse? Demanding kids? Argumentative friends? If it sometimes feels like these stressors are killing you, new research suggests you may be right.

Middle-aged adults who frequently fought with their husband or wife were more than twice as likely to die at a relatively young age compared to people who rarely fought, according to a study published online this week in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.

Frequent fights with friends were even more hazardous — people who fell into this category were 2.6 times more likely to die prematurely than people who got along with their pals. Worst of all were persistent fights with neighbors, the researchers found. These types of argumentative people were more than three times more likely to die prematurely than the go-with-the-flow types.

Even when fights didn’t break out into the open, simply worrying about friends or loved ones or stewing over their demands could be enough to shorten one’s life. People who “always” or “often” fretted about their spouse were almost twice as likely to die during the course of the study compared to those who seldom fretted. In addition, those who expended lots of negative mental energy on their children were 55 percent more likely to die prematurely compared to those who didn’t worry about their kids very often.

All of these associations between stressful social relations and the risk of early death were stronger for men than for women, the researchers found. They were also stronger for people who were not working outside the home.

The study, published Thursday, was based on data from nearly 10,000 Danish adults who were between the ages of 36 and 52 in 2000. All of them answered questions about their conflicts with and worries about their partners, children, other family, friends and neighbors. About 6 percent of them said they had frequent conflicts with their spouse; 6 percent had frequent conflicts with their children; 2 percent had frequent conflicts with other family members; and 1 percent had frequent conflicts with friends. Worries and demands that didn’t escalate to outright conflict were slightly more common.

(c)2014 Los Angeles Times

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Read more at: Excessive arguing with family and friends may lead to early death – Los Angeles Times.