Build Inner Chest Definition with the New Exercise of the Week: Chest Twisters!
Chest Twisters are a combination of chest press and flies but with a twist!
You can do them with cables or resistance bands like I do in the video. Standing with your back on the bar is necessary so that you are completely stable and are not moving back and forth as your legs try to prevent your body from being pushed backward by your arms.
You may also do them seated, with the back rest all the way up so that your back is pressed to the back rest.
See the VIDEO, instructions on how to do them, and exactly why I said “with a twist” by visiting the Premium Exercise of the Week: Chest Twisters!
ALSO, check out and try the new Workout of the Week that has a very unique name!
AND don’t miss out on getting my 9 dollar course, the Supernovem FREE for a limited time!
CHECK OUT the preview video by clicking below. Find the secret coupon code in the free 10in30 Premium Section!
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Get an impressive chest with m 10in30 Chest Twisters!