Amazon’s not the only one having a huge sale this week. Your favorite book for losing body fat quickly and keeping it off is going on FREE PROMO Tuesday, July 16.

Finally get the body you have always wanted.
Plenty of time to get in shape and show it off this summer. Let your beach body shine!
With our plan (it’s not a diet) you can eat what you want and still lose 10 pounds in 30 days.
Just hard honest work and simple numbers that are tailor made to YOUR specific body. All you do is make sure you don’t go over those daily numbers of calories and you will lose weight (unwanted body fat to be precise).
See, your body doesn’t care or even know where your calories come from; if you overeat one day (if you eat more than your body is using for energy) your body will store it as body fat for the future. This is in case you are starving, you can survive longer as your body will use your fat stores for energy. This is why we give you numbers that are a little less than you need (based on your own personal stats). Your body adjusts by using the fat stores you already have to make up for the lack of dietary calories. Thus, you lose weight (body fat).
We gradually lower your daily caloric numbers weekly so that by the time you get to week 4 you are on a pretty substantial caloric deficit BUT you are used to it because you started moderately. Lowering your calories too low all of a sudden is:
- Not sustainable because we’re human and if it’s too hard we will quit
- Not smart because your body goes into “starvation mode” and begins to get rid of precious muscle while hanging onto body fat.
It does this because it figures there are twice as much calories in one pound of fat than there are in one pound of muscle, so let’s get rid of that unnecessary muscle and let’s keep all of the fat we can!
So you get skinny-fat. Terrible. You lost twice; once in not having enough muscle on your body so you have no proper shape and also in that you are still fat. Not big, but still way too high percentage of body fat. So you look squishy and unsexy.
Speaking of sexy, our book gives you awesome proven exercises that will energize you and build precious muscle on your frame! Having muscle on your body is the key to being strong, healthy and a sexy beast! It helps get rid of excess body fat because muscle actually requires energy just to stay alive, so your body will take your body fat, use it for energy, and fuel those muscles. This can only happen if you are pushing yourself and lifting weights. This tells your body to KEEP that precious muscle instead of using it for fuel. Why? Because you are lifting weights regularly! Your body won’t get rid of muscle because it knows it’s going to need it tomorrow based on what you’ve been doing already.
And it won’t store fat because you are not starving yourself, so no need to go on “starvation mode”. That’s why you have to:
- Eat enough to fuel your workouts and your regular daily activities!
- Lift heavy weights and really push yourself daily
But don’t worry. Our plan only has 3 workout days a week. The rest of the days are cardio only like running for a mere 20 minutes and a 12-minute morning workout. That’s it!
You can do that, right?
You have the power to do whatever you want. So why let it go to waste? You are not at the mercy of “the universe” or the government, or your parents, or even YOUR GENES. Yes, I know that our genes govern a good part of our physique but we can still win the battle and make big changes.
Small calves like me? :/ That’s ok, I’m just going to have to work harder than people with those thick-ass calves I envy. Prone to hold on to body fat? That’s ok, just be more careful to make sure you don’t over eat than those lucky few with higher testosterone and faster metabolisms. They have weaknesses too and they again just have to work harder at fixing whatever that is!
And as far as higher testosterone (great for “toning” or building muscle along with burning fat easily) we can fix that! You can raise your testosterone levels by lifting heavy weights with your legs as well as eating meat, and even fun things like being competitive and specifically winning.
Same for metabolism. You can raise it by doing HIIT exercises (High intensity interval training). By going all out for a fraction of a minute, then resting by light walking for a minute then repeating, you can raise your metabolism and burn fat the rest of the day.
Our plan gives you everything you need in a simple, easy-read book that you will not need to study. You have a life, right? No time for a major plan with DVDs (they still make them?) and a ton of literature. We believe in the
only what you need to know
approach to self improvement. We give you the info, you do it, and we are all happy.
So, share this page with a friend that needs a little motivation. Someone that may need a little pick me up and might need to know that THEY ARE IN CONTROL!
They can get the book for FREE. Just ask them to leave us 5 STARS.
Get it here