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Get in the Best Shape of Your Life
with Extreme Kickboxing Workout!
Our new e-learning fitness video course, “Extreme Kickboxing Workout” is now live! It’s designed to show you the ins & outs of kickboxing in an incredibly effective fat burning workout . [weaver_show_if_mobile]
[/weaver_show_if_mobile]Because it consists of high intensity exercise followed by periods of rest, it is a HIIT style workout (High Intensity Interval Training) that will speed up your metabolism all day, allowing you to burn fat ultra fast!
- Over 30 lectures and 58 mins of content!
- Provides a fun and energetic workout that will also teach you how to punch and kick with good form.
- You will learn the Jab, Cross, Combination, Hooks to the head, Hooks to the body, both front and rear Muay Thai kicks, and more!
[covertplayersinglevideo trvideoid=”ln5BUPxg7qQ” trdisplaytype=”5″ trnumbervideosdisplay=”” trvideoperpage=”36″ trthumbnailwidth=”120″ trthumbnailheight=”” trpopupwidth=”570″ trpopupheight=”350″ trvideoalign=”left” trytautohide=”0″ trytautoplay=”1″ trytcontrols=”1″ trytrelvideo=”0″ trytshowlogo=”1″ trytshowtitle=”0″ tryttheme=”dark” trythighquality=”0″]Not only will you burn a ton of fat while building muscle, but you will learn proper form for every punch and kick which is important to avoid injury of the joints. [weaver_show_if_mobile]
[/weaver_show_if_mobile]It is a highly energetic, fun, invigorating workout that also helps you build confidence knowing that you can actually throw a proper punch and kick with conviction if the need arise. Chances are, most of us will never need self defense techniques in real life, so treat this as an awesome workout that just happens to have an extra bonus!
Hi this looks intresting. My name is Sharon. I’m a little overweight, around 12 pounds. Mostly in my thighs. And I want my arms to be tighter. I am interested in this for the health. I would like to lose a little bit of weight and be a few pants sizes smaller. Thank you.
1. 12 pounds
2. read up there
3. my pic as of this Jan: http://imgur.com/W7IRYwM
4. none
5. jog on the tread mill 1-2 times a week, lots of walking to pick up my son, some hiking on weekends
6. 32 years young
7. no medical conditions
Thanks (signed up for newsletter)
1. 20 maybe more
2. I want to lose the extra fat and also have a fun workout. I have no problem with my heart, etc. I am ready, this looks fun!
3. http://i49.tinypic.com/210fyft.jpg
4. No experience with kickboxing
5. I go to the gym at least twice a week, but sometimes up to 4 times. I do the cardio classes or sometimes pilates.
6. 36
7. No medical problems
Well hello there. Saw your ad on craigslist (I think). Let’s see, how much am I overweight? around 25 lbs? Oh I see it should be a list format. OK.
1. 25 lbs
2. I want to lose said 25 lbs. and I just got a gf so I want to look good
3. um soon
4. no experience
5. I ride bikes every now and then, some basketball, very little weights in my apartment gym
6. 27
7. I might have high cholesterol but nothing serious
8. OK, I’ll check the box!
9. You’re welcome. Please send me info, you have my email. Question: what time and day will this be? I live in North Whittier. Also can I bring a buddy? Thank you.