New exercises, new vids!
I’ve updated the GAIN 10 POUNDS in 30 DAYS workouts. First of all, the layout has changed to make it more pleasant to read and videos were added in the layout.
And remember, you’ll only gain pounds if you’re eating like it says in the Gain plan. If you don’t want to gain weight but do want a superb weights workout, you can keep your calories low while doing these exercises for maximum muscle gain.
Leg Day 2 (Typically Thursday) has gotten a face lift! It still shares the squats with Leg Day 1, but we’re doing lighter weight, more reps. Plus, squats are combined with Hamstring Curls for a kick-ass superset. We’ll also be doing the amazing Deadlifts to work out the hammies a bit more since they weren’t really worked on very much on day 1. Straight leg ’til failure, then chase them with some regular bending-leg deadlifts.
I’ve also moved the forearms workout from Friday’s Shoulder and Arms day to Leg Day 2. After further examination, I found that the grip and forearms have suffered enough on Shoulders/Arms day so adding forearms may not be the best. Solution: Leg Day 2, when the grip and forearms are pretty fresh.
Shoulders/Arms day stayed the same except for the aforementioned forearms switch, but Abs got its face rearranged too!
Crunches are now weighted by default whereas before, adding weight was extra. The awesome Machine Crunches were added to target the upper abs again and a vid was placed in the layout. Then, after Windshield Wipers and Vertical Toe Touches, a video was added to show the side planks with hip lifts. After Plank Madness, another favorite of mine was added; Reverse Crunches on Incline Bench. I love these as they really target the lower abs.
And I know that doing crunches will not burn belly fat but try these and you’ll see your lower abs actually looking firmer if not flatter!
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