Could poor sleeping habits cause brain damage and even accelerate onset of Alzheimer’s disease? According to recent research, the answer is yes on both accounts.
According to neuroscientist Dr. Sigrid Veasey, associate professor of Medicine and a member of the Center for Sleep and Circadian Neurobiology at the Perelman School of Medicine, this is the first time they’ve been able to show that sleep loss actually results in the loss of neurons.
A second study also suggests that if you sleep poorly, you’re at increased risk for earlier onset of severe dementia.
Sleep Loss Linked to ‘Massive Brain Damage’
The first study in question, published in the Journal of Neuroscience,1,2,3 found that sleep is necessary for maintaining metabolic homeostasis in your brain. Wakefulness is associated with mitochondrial stress, and without sufficient sleep, neuron degeneration sets in.
The research also showed that catching up on “sleep debt” on the weekend willnot prevent this damage. To reach their conclusion, the researchers submitted mice to an irregular sleep schedule similar to that of shift workers.
Inconsistent, intermittent sleep resulted in a remarkably considerable, and irreversible, brain damage—the mice actually lost 25 percent of the neurons located in their locus coeruleus,4 a nucleus in the brainstem associated with arousal, wakefulness, and certain cognitive processes. As reported by Timemagazine:5
“The scientists believe that when the mice slept inconsistently, their newer cells would create more sirtuin type 3, a protein meant to energize and protect the mice. But after several days of missing sleep, as a shift worker might, the protein creation fell off and cells began to die off at a faster pace.”
To slim down, it helps to get up early and see the light, study says
Karen Kaplan, Los Angeles Times
LOS ANGELES–To maximize your chances of fighting flab, new research offers some simple advice: Wake up early and go outside.
People who loaded up on light exposure at the beginning of the day were most likely to have a lower body mass index, according to a study published this week in the journal PLOS ONE. That relationship between morning light and BMI was independent of how many calories the study participants consumed.
It may sound crazy, but there is sound scientific evidence to back up the link. Circadian rhythm plays an important role in regulating metabolism, and studies have shown that exposure to morning light can influence body fat and the hormones that regulate appetite.
In one study, for instance, sleep-deprived subjects whose levels of the hormones leptin and ghrelin were out of whack saw those levels improve after being exposed to light for two hours after waking up. In another study, obese women who were exposed to bright light for at least 45 minutes between the hours of 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. dropped some of their body fat after three weeks. And studies in animals have found that altering light exposure changed their metabolism, resulting in weight gain even when the animals consumed the same amount of calories as before.
Nothing gets me in the mood to workout more than getting new gear. And playing the right music is a must for kicking me into high gear during my workout. But something that I find cumbersome is having to carry a smart-phone in my pocket despite having my awesome wireless Motorola earphones.
Now we have something that solves this problem. Samsung just unveiled their new smart watch: the Samsung Gear Fit. It boasts the latest technology of a curved, high definition screen and the watch itself can be popped out of the wrist band to allow for other fashionable and functional wearable ideas. Although, I think I would just leave it on my wrist. Seems to be the best place for me.
I kind of like the energetic bright orange band but check out the chrome wristband as well!
“Where the Samsung Gear 2 is all about looking as much like a stylish watch as is technically possible, the Gear Fit runs with a thin and curved design that is so light it just blends into your wrist and stays out of your way. But that curved Super AMOLED 1.84-inch screen is an absolute stunner, its 432×128 resolution screen just popping with colour. “ - BUM - BUM2014-02-25 10:37:412014-03-31 10:40:24Your fitness is about to get high-tech!
We’re very excited about the new Lose 10 Pounds plan on
It’s a bit different from what we had before, but on top of being better, you’ll see that it’s also a lot simpler. In a nutshell, we have broken down the macros so you know exactly how much protein, carbs, and fats to eat each day.
Our new plan is an even better and more fool-proof way to lose 10 pounds in a month. The slight caloric deficit will insure that you don’t go into survival mode by starving yourself while making sure you have more energy to workout heavy. Exercising with heavy weights allows you to keep more lean muscle which gets rid of fat all on its own (you want that, trust us). Be sure to read what we say about women and muscles and the importance of weight lifting for women.
But not to worry, we’ve made it super easy to follow our plan with just a few steps. Each of the four weeks are broken down into specifics of how much protein, fats, and carbs to eat per day. If we made it any easier, we’d be SPOON-FEEDING YOU!
So come on by, say Hi, and join us in getting ready for summer with our new LOSE 10 POUNDS IN 30 DAYS plan. This will be the best summer ever — WOOHOOO!
PS: if you haven’t already, check out our e-learning course EXTREME KICKBOXING WORKOUT on It’s perfect for cranking up the fat-burning with fun, intense, kickboxing moves that will have you sweating bullets and bringing out your inner fighter! Go have a look but then come back and join us in the Premium section so you can get it for HALF PRICE! - BUM - BUM2014-02-20 12:20:532014-05-14 21:53:58Check out our new Lose 10 Pounds in 30 Days plan!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem.
Nulla consequat massa quis enim.
Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu.
In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo.
Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus.
Hello fitness friends, here’s a unique and effective way to force yourself to succeed with your fitness goals.
You’ve probably tried telling yourself that you need to lose a certain amount of weight by a certain date, or you will go to the gym every day, or you will stop eating sugars. How is that going? Hopefully well, but the reality is that for most of us, life gets in the way, we’re interrupted by a sudden event or some days we simply feel too tired to workout.
The problem is that, while we have good intentions, talking to ourselves does not work very well. Simply saying to yourself that you are going to do something is a good start, but in order to really succeed and feel the fire under your butt, you must have an external obligation. What I mean by that is that you need to make your goal public in some way that you will not want to fail. This doesn’t mean that you are going to repeatedly impose your personal goals to your friends and annoy them along the way. I have a more original method.
Hit yourself where it hurts
I am not suggesting you get a close friend to kick you in the family jewels or take an elbow to the boob. I’m talking about your wallet.
Make a bet with friends that you are gong to be at a certain weight or a certain waist size, or your arms will grow to a certain size by a certain date. Then GIVE THEM THE MONEY. Yep, give them the money first and if you don’t reach your goal, they keep it. This way you know you’re serious and it’s up to you to get it back. Now it has to be a good amount that will actually hurt. Try $100 or more if that might not do it. If you fail they keep it. If you win they give you a mere 10% extra meaning that you will get your $100 back + $10. They get the chance to win $100 but only lose $10. You deserve to make something for your hard work, right?
Now it has to be a realistic goal. Smaller goals are better because you will be encouraged to do it again and keep reaching these goals until they combine to form a big goal. For example, my 10in30 Lose plan shows you how to lose 10 pounds in a month. This is a big goal. Possible, but big. You can do the plan but bet on losing 5 pounds to allow for life’s little interruptions. You never know, you might end up surpassing this making the extra $10 and be super-stoked to do it again next month!
Let me know in the comments if you’ve ever done something like this and what you think. Gonna try it? Wahtsamatter—scurred? - BUM - BUM2014-02-03 12:25:112014-02-03 12:25:11One way to force yourself to succeed
Tired of your fitness routine? Has it gone stale and lost its wow factor? Tired of posts that begin with questions?
Do like us at 10in30 and CHANGE SHIT UP!
Whether you’re doing a full body split, or body group split, you can change things such as the exercises, reps, circuit or not, rest times, and style. Do a whole month of a particular workout before changing it up. Even two months would be ok, but do not change it sooner than 30 days or it will be hard to track results and reach your goals.
A good example of changing shit up is:
Alternative Delts Workout.
Maybe you’re doing the 10in30 Gain plan and do delts on Friday along with your biceps and triceps. You’d be doing overhead press superset with upright rows, then seated Arnolds, then lateral flies supersets. BURN, I know. It’s a great workout that’ll leave you with an unholy pump in your arms that’ll scare the cat.
To change this up, get creative! Yesterday I did a 50 rep drop set of delt press on a machine you would not think of for delts—the standing calf raise machine. It works extremely well, has good form so it’s good on your delicate shoulders, and is super convenient to do drop sets since the weight stack and pin are right in front of you.
After 2 warm up sets of light delt presses on this standing calf machine, go real heavy so that you fail at 6. Wait 30 seconds and do 4 more. We have 10 so far. Then drop the weight substantially and do 10 more. 20 reps done. NO REST! Now drop it some more and do 10 more. 30 done, 20 left. Drop again, give me 10. LAST TEN!
Drop the weight and do your last 10 reps, trying to kill it and aiming instead for 12. If you can’t get to 12 at the end, no problem. We only needed 10, but we go for 12 to really make each one count, surpassing our goal of 50 back to back reps. Now rest 2-3 minutes and get water.
A whole alternative workout circuit for delts is the 10in30 Workout of the Week, Shoulder Poppers!
This is a 10in30 Premium workout video of a circuit that blasts your delts while burning fat and is FREE to members. Just press play and workout. If you aren’t a member already, join us to see the rest of the premium workout videos!
How about Chest?
Chest workouts are normally comprised of bench press or dumbbell press with chasers of cable crossovers. For one month, do none of those!
Instead, switch to the machine section of the gym and do the machine incline chest press, followed by pec dec, followed by seated cable press. This one requires a cable machine like this one:
Grab a bench, raise the backrest so that it is all the way up, position its back to the cables. Adjust the cables so that they are a foot higher than shoulder height and slightly wider than shoulder width. As you press, also make your hands meet at the middle, right in front of your face. For added crunch (the 10in30 way) twist them as described in my “Chest Twisters”. I recommend you do this shirtless in front of a mirror so you can see your inner pec fibers in action, not to mention your sexy badass self.
Return the cables slowly and controlled, then shoot them out again, preferably in a second or less. Be sure to keep your elbows near your body and not out to the sides so that you don’t strain your front delts.
Doing Legs?
Take a break from squats this month. Instead do Smith Machine One Legged Lunges. Why do I recommend the dreaded Smith Machine? Because we want to get a hell of a workout on the quads, hamstrings, and butt and if you’re freestyling it with one foot up on a bench behind you and a barbell on your shoulders, you’re going to be so concerned with trying to keep your balance that you’re going to get a shitty leg and butt workout.
The Smith Machine will keep you from falling, you’ll be able to get a great stretch at the bottom, and you can explode up without the fear of falling sideways and impaling someone’s foot. That would suck—Nikes are expensive.
The other alternative leg exercise I recommend is Pistols! Pistols are one legged ass to grass squats. Extremely difficult. You will work your way up by using your hand for assistance.
Stand on a box with one leg hanging and grab on to something like a machine at the gym, door, wall, etc. You should go all the way down to where your butt is actually resting on your ankle. You will use your hand to help you lift your heavy ass up with one leg.
Warm up by doing 12 quick pistols on each leg using your hands to completely help you up. Warm up is meant to get blood to your muscles in question and should be pretty easy. Do all reps on one leg before working on the other.
Two quick warm up sets: 12 hand-assisted reps on each leg.
Now for the actual exercise. Go down slowly taking 3 seconds. Try not to hang on unless you need to. Then go up quickly in one second, using your hand to only help you up a little. Don’t completely rely on your hand, and don’t bother pausing at the top, just go back down slowly (3 seconds).
6-12 reps depending on how studly you are.
3 sets each leg.
After you’ve done this Pistol training workout twice in one week (remember to skip at least two days in between) the next time you do it, add two 5 pound ankle weights on your shoulders or any other way to load 10 pounds onto your body. If going the backpack route, use two; one in the front, one in the back so you are balanced.
After two workouts of Pistol training with 10 pounds, add another 10 pounds totaling 20 pounds. Again, after warming up, only use your hands when absolutely necessary, most likely your later reps.
Go to the Forum and let us know what other alternative exercises you like to do or how you like these. Also if you have any questions or would like to post a vid, the Forum is where it’s at.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo.
Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. - BUM - BUM2013-12-24 18:48:062013-12-24 18:48:06Entry with Post Format “Video”