Circuit 5: TNT arms.
3 rounds!

If you find yourself reaching the number of reps too easily without major effort, get a bigger weight for the next round. Smaller weight if you can’t reach the number of reps.

1. Around the world

Using a Kettlebell (or dumbbell but kettlebell is better)
10 reps

Standing, hold 1 Kettlebell with two hands, pronated grip (palms toward you) in front of your waist.

Raise Kettlebell by raising your left elbow up and over your head and the Kettlebell over your right shoulder.

Rotate the Kettlebell around and behind your head with your right elbow now above your head.

Bring the Kettlebell around your left shoulder and back down to start.

For the second set, rotate the other direction for another 10 reps. For your third set, hold with a supinated grip (palms facing forward) at waist and do 5 each direction to complete your 10 reps.

Bonus! If you can do 20 reps (10 each direction) like me, go for it! Or add the standing hip thrusters followed by standing crunches like I did. Yeah, they look funny but you’d do these at home, not at the gym. : P


2. Burpies with pushup
15 reps


3. Dumbbell alternating arm curls
12 reps


4. Dumbbell tricep kickbacks
10 reps

Bend at the waist, arch the back, elbows in straight line to hip bone. Use light enough weight so that you can extend your arm without moving your upper arm and so that you can crunch it at the top of the movement for 1 second.


5. Dumbbell Lateral raise
10 reps

Stand with dumbbells at your sides, keep arms straight, and raise both at the same time to shoulder height, bring down in a slow, controlled fashion.


6. Dumbbell Front raise
10 reps

Like above, but raise to the front.


7. Long Jumps
12 jumps

Similar to the incredibly effective Squat Jumps, but after you squat all the way down, jump forward for distance. Swing your arms to really propel you forward. Land into a squat and go all the way down again. This should be a continuous movement.
Best if done with enough space to jump at least 4 times before turning around and going back if you have to. I do them at the park with no u-turning.

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