5 Weekly Tips That Will Change Your Life are here! Every Friday you’ll receive a list of:

1 Thing you can get that will make a difference
1 Exercise vid you can do to change things up, prevent boredom and break plateaus
1 Supplement you can take for body or mind
1 Person to follow on IG or Twitter that’ll inspire you
1 Interesting Fact I learned this week that’ll make you say “Hmm, that’s interesting.”

FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 2017

1 Thing



Wireless Bluetooth Headband. Forget wired headphones at the gym. Why would you subject yourself to such primitive technology? This headband doubles as a sweat catcher! Only $16! Get it here.

1 Exercise vid

10in30 Pushup Rows. Work your chest and back plus your core in one exercise!


1 Supplement


Triple Strength Fish Oil. I can’t stress enough the importance of high amounts of fish oil for hormonal control including raising your precious testosterone while keeping estrogen in check. Also great forbrain health and helping to get rid of body fat. Like it says in the official 10in30 book, take 3-4g of EPA/DHA. I take 6 a day with meals. Get it here.


1 Person

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Erin Toughill. Erin is an MMA fighter. She’s smart, witty, and she will inspire you. Check out that video of her training. Her IG: erin.fights


1 Interesting Fact

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Myopia (nearsightedness) can be reversed with,—you guessed it—exercise! Spending too much time focusing on close-up items such as reading a book, staring into a phone, or staring at a computer for 8 hours a day may cause myopia and elongate your eyes. However, you can do exercises to strengthen the muscles that flex your lens and get your eyes back to normal shape!

Watch this video which explains it in depth, and I mean IN DEPTH, so be patient. He also addresses why the popular Bates method to reverse myopia is outdated.

That’s it! Let me know what you think and be sure to share with your friends!


banana_split chocolate_donut chocolatecake

The 10in30 Lose 10 Pounds in 30 Days plan is that and more. It promotes flexible eating, meaning that you don’t have to stick with eating boring foods day in, day out. With knowledge comes freedom!

Freedom to eat a donut if you wish!

Freedom to eat that cheeseburger!

Freedom to have an ice cream sundae!

How is this possible? How can someone eat all that and still lose fat? The 10in30 diet plan is part of the “If it fits in your macros” approach to weightloss and does this by setting how many calories you are to eat in a day, then telling you how much of each of the three macro nutrients to eat. All foods consist of a combination of the three macro nutrients, Carbs, Fats, or Protein. How much should you eat of each and why? How do they fit when losing fat?

All of these questions and more are answered in our book;
How to Lose 10 Pounds in 30 Days!


Only $2.99 until Friday March 3! (Then it’s $10)

How does a piece of cake fit in the diet plan? Answer: any way you want it to. See, the thing is, everything is measurable. A piece of cake will contain a certain amount of carbs and fat with very little protein. Go ahead and eat it and don’t be the company party pooper!

Don’t even say anything dumb to show that you’re insecure like, “Well, there goes my diet! Hurhur.” Leave that to the cubicle dwellers that are not reaching their goals! Just eat it and own it! Then quietly log into your MyFitnessPal app and estimate how much you ate, and continue to lose fat at your coworkers’ amazement. (You have to estimate since you aren’t gonna bust out the scale and poop on the party and even if you did, you wouldn’t really know how much they used of each ingredient).

Log your macros into your app, and then you see how much carbs and fat you have left for the day. Then, make sure you don’t go over!

That’s it. Easy, eh?

That’s what our book shows you how to do! Eat whatever the heck you want and still be in fat-losing, calorie deficit mode! You can even do little tricks like extra exercise that day that really burn fat like the ones we show you in our Premium members Only page. The “Supernovem” for example burns fat by targeting your whole body in a brutal-but-fun workout that works your core, shoulders, chest, butt and heart! Get the video for free by becoming a member in the link above.

Now, if you’re super hungry after seeing these pics of delicious sweets, go ahead and have one, then get the book and get ready for summer 2017!

You can spend hours out of your valuable day jogging around the neighborhood and sacrifice your lunch by eating foods you don’t really like and don’t fill you up and you still might not be losing weight.

If you’ve read even one page of 10in30.com you’d know that we don’t even like to use the term “lose weight”. It’s great for marketing purposes since that’s what people search for but you’d know that we really mean lose excess fat.

Don't use treadmills. They're dangerous!

Don’t use treadmills. They’re dangerous!

The aforementioned boring and unsexy tasks like slowly and mind-numbingly jogging for hours around the block (or even worse—on a treadmill) combined with eating things like salads and veggies instead of protein rich, satisfying foods are not good ways of losing fat. Eating very little calories by eating only vegetables is telling your body to hang on to fat because it isn’t getting fed enough. And since it also isn’t receiving enough protein, the body is adjusting itself to survive by getting rid of useless muscle. “Useless muscle”—funny, eh? It’s an oxymoron, isn’t it? In this case, it is useless because you don’t need much muscle to jog since you aren’t extruding much force.

Then, what are the 3 things one must do to lose wei… I mean—fat?

  1. Eat a little less than you need. Huh? Wait, this isn’t as obvious as you might think. The key word is “a little“. Many people do the mistake of eating a lot less then they need. I especially see women eating very little per meal and skipping breakfast altogether. This, on top of burning lots of calories jogging or doing the elliptical! Not good! It goes back to the concept of your body hanging on to fat (starvation mode) so that it can survive.What you want to do is eat a little less, stick with it for a week, see how you are doing, then adjust the next week. I’ve seen many people post their status saying how they are amazed that as soon as they raised their calories, the fat started melting off! How can that be?? Well, the body is always adjusting itself so if you are feeding it enough calories, it will begin to get rid of excess fat since it no longer is in starvation mode and no longer placing itself in fat-storing mode to survive said starvation!
  2. Lift weights. Heavy weights. It doesn’t matter if you are a woman or a man. Lifting weights will tell your ever-adjusting body to hang on to muscle and get rid of fat instead! Why would it be getting rid of anything in the first place? See number one; that’s right, you are eating a little less, remember? Lifting heavy weights is the key to getting a “toned”, firm, and lean body. Ever see the memes that read “Strong is the new skinny” and show sexy women? Yeah. Mmhmm. Yep.
  3. Eat enough protein. This is different from number one but related. You are going to be eating a little less, but that amount has to include a good amount of protein or your body isn’t going to have anything to make those muscles firm with. How much are we talking? Aim to get 20-30 grams of protein with every meal. You get a salad with chicken; check the nutritional info to see how much protein you’re getting for that chicken breast. Not quite 20g? Add something to it! Then do the same for lunch, then dinner. The minimum you should get per day is .8 grams for every pound that you weigh. Be strict with this!

Of course, there are many other factors that will determine how much if any fat you lose. But do these three measly little things and like magic, you will see results! Stick with it like if your income depended on it! Pretend you got a role to play a lead character in a movie and it required you to be a certain weight by a certain date or you don’t get the part. There’s millions of dollars on the line! You gonna drop the ball and give the part to someone else?? Hell no, you aren’t! You’re going to do this!

Leave me comments, questions, accolades, status checks, your first born, or anything of value in the comments below!

l-theanine_for_sleep_and_stressForget narcotics that might have you sleep-driving (ahem Ambien). If you can’t sleep, there are plenty of natural ways to battle insomnia and win.

A study in 2004 conducted in Japan concluded that taking L-theanine, an amino acid found in tea leaves, particularly green tea is an effective natural supplement for helping to slow the mind, ease anxiety, and sleep deeper. Subjects reported that they even had less nightmares when taking L-theanine.

Most of the studies seem to show that the major benefit of L-theanine is enhancing relaxation, with improving sleep quality and reducing anxiety being tied for second.

Try a 200mg dose half an hour to an hour before bedtime or the same amount throughout the day to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation without causing drowsiness. The anti-drowsiness results are most effective when taken with caffeine. L-theanine reduces the jittery effects of taking high amounts of caffeine but you get to keep the mental focus benefits. People reported being more astute, being able to “think faster” and having a better memory when taking caffeine and L-theanine.



Happy new year from 10in30! We hope 2017 is a great year for you and you reach all of your goals!

Did you make any resolutions? We’d like to hear them! Writing them down and making them public is a way to solidify them and help ensure you are accountable. Share your goals for 2017 in the comments below.

Are your resolutions health and fitness based? Financial? Social? Self improvement? Fun? All are valid and it’s great to have multiple goals in different categories.

High Jumps!If you are looking for health and fitness resolution ideas, here’s a reachable, simple, yet effective idea: Do the 10in30 “12 Minute HIIT” workout every morning! If you aren’t familiar with it yet, it is a simple 12 minute workout that is part of the Lose 10 Pounds in 30 Days plan. You do this every day in the morning to jump start your daily fat burning.

Why only 12 minutes and what’s with the “high intensity” stuff? Studies show that performing high intensity exercise in the form of plyometrics, fast running or cycling or even weight training with heavy weights speeds up your metabolism and the fat burning continues far after you’ve stopped exercising. Here’s a great article from ACE with references: 7 THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT EXCESS POST-EXERCISE OXYGEN CONSUMPTION

In the article above, the author writes on his findings:

Exercise that places a greater demand on the anaerobic energy pathways during the workout can increase the need for oxygen after the workout, thereby enhancing the EPOC effect.

(the EPOC effects is excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, meaning your body is still consuming extra oxygen after your workout in order to get back the oxygen you used up thus burning calories in the form of fat)


^ The 10in30 12 Minute HIIT is as high intensity as it gets! With 30 seconds of all out exercise through high jumps, squat jumps, and pushup rows separated by 30 seconds of active recovery, you will continue the fat burning throughout the day. Latest studies have shown that a low-energy expenditure recovery interval is crucial to prepare for the high intensity interval. In fact, you might want to do nothing during your 30 seconds of recovery instead of the light jog-in-place that the 12 Minute HIIT suggests.

A study showed that subjects who recovered passively showed improvements in endurance performance compared to those who actively recovered. But the 12 Minute HIIT suggests “light jog in place” so that might be classified as “passive”.  Your choice; light jog in place or just stand around. See what feels best!

Another study on how HIIT raises your metabolism: Hormonal and Metabolic Responses to High Intensity Interval Training

We wish you the best in 2017 and thanks for being a 10in30 subscriber.