The TOP SELLING ebook on Amazon for losing weight quickly, safely, and keeping it off will be on:

{{{{{{{ FREE PROMO }}}}}}}

This Friday the 15th to celebrate Father’s Day!
(reg $6.99) One day only. Saturday, it goes back to $6.99. Click pic or here

That’s right, a whopping savings of $7! Pay nothing.

Start Monday, and by July 15 you can be 10 whole pounds lighter! Can you imagine? Do you realize just what a difference a mere 10 pounds will do?

\\\\\ Picture yourself 10 pounds lighter on April 20, feel good, right??! //////

You can do it! We show you how. Don’t starve yourself as that is not smart and healthy and will only lead to diminishing your precious skeletal muscle. That is NOT what you want to do even if you are trying to lose weight. You want to get rid of extra body FAT, not precious muscle. Your muscles will naturally decrease when they lose the intrafiber fat.

We show you how to get the EXACT NUMBERS for YOUR BODY in order to successfully lose 10 pounds in 30 days and KEEP THEM OFF! <- That’s the difference between 10in30 and other books such as KETO. <- Why are you going to torture yourself by not eating ANY kinds of carbs?? No bread? No cereal? No fruit? No rice? No noodles? No pizza? No bagels? Muffins? Popcorn? Tortilla chips? NO CARBS??? That’s silly and unnecessary.

And worst of all, that’s NOT SUSTAINABLE.

This is important because if you can’t sustain it, you won’t stick to it and you will yo-yo right back to your previous weight, and most likely SURPASS IT and get fatter (trust me, you will NOT be able to sustain not eating any kind of carbs for ever).

So, do it the right way, take control of your happiness. We’re with you!

SHARE, tell a friend, post on your FB, TW, IG, or whathaveyou and let your friends know.
Do it TOGETHER for support or friendly competition!
(perhaps a challenge or a bet?)

Let’s get this book back up to the number one spot on page 1 of Amazon for health and healthy diets categories! (it’s currently on page 2, still good when you consider the thousands of diet/fitness books but I want the page 1 spot again!)

See it on Amazon! – >

Truth is, most people do not really know how much they ate on any given day. Even if you know what you ate, and you know that it was, say one chicken breast salad for lunch and one plate of pasta with sauce for dinner, you really don’t know how much protein, carbs, and fats you ate.

And you certainly don’t know how many total calories you ate.

If you are having a difficult time and your weight is yo-yoing, that can be what is keeping you from reaching your goals

You see, without getting the actual numbers of what you ate, (grams or ounces) you are guessing at best; that’s if you even keep track. I’ve heard overweight people say that they hardly ate on a given day. But I remember seeing them over-eat like crazy one time, so I’m guessing that either they really did eat below their maintenance calories that day, OR they just ate less than the day before but they still OVER-ATE that day.

When someone guesses that they are under-eating, they just might be comparing that day to how they normally eat. Let’s say their body needs 2000 calories a day to stay the same and maintain their current weight. So they eat 2500 calories pretty much every day when they are not keeping track at all. They are gaining weight, fast. Maybe on Wednesday, they were super busy and they only ate two meals which came out to around 2000 calories. Great. But at the end of the week, that one day of eating at maintenance cannot compete with 6 days of over-eating.

Even if on Wednesday he ate below maintenance—say 1900 calories— that one deficit day will not help him lose weight because -100 merely offsets the surplus of +3500 calories for that week. They end up with +3400 SURPLUS calories for the week. Still astronomical numbers that will make anyone gain a lot of weight really fast.

I know that “counting calories” gets a bad rap with people saying it’s “too hard” or outright refusing to put that much effort on fixing their body.

But it’s not a lot of effort at all.

If you cook for yourself, you are already at the kitchen with raw chicken breasts or meat or pasta anyway. Putting a chicken breast on a scale that’s already out on the counter top and jotting down “chicken 189g” on a sheet of paper that’s also already out with a pencil next to it takes me around 6 seconds. I don’t count vegetables like broccoli or spinach or green beans. You don’t need to count those since they are so low in calories and most of it is fibrous carbs which don’t get digested anyway. <- that was a 10in30 “only what you need to know” tip! 🙂

Then, while I’m eating, I bust out the MyFitnessPal app on my phone and quickly input:

“chicken breast 189g
baked potato 200g
butter 1tsp
wheat sandwich bread 2x”.

As far as the inputting, it’s as easy as spreading delicious butter on your delicious wheat bread. The MyFitnessPal app has a barcode scanner that I use to scan the package of bread, pasta, or whatever I can to make it even easier. But even if you don’t have a barcode for everything (like the chicken breasts) you have a favorites tab that lets you easily add a common food or even a common meal, then just change the grams for each.

Logging this takes me a measly 5 minutes tops, even faster if I’m eating the same thing as the day before which if you read our book, we strongly recommend.

The “pro” way of doing this is to make up your meal plan for the week, choosing to eat the same breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. Perfect example of KISS (keep it simple, stupid!)

This way, you are not trying to figure out how much you ate three times a day. You make your daily meal plan for the week once, making sure that all of the macros (protein, carbs, and fats) numbers are met for your specific body just like we show in our book, and then prepare those meals for the week. Or you can prepare those meals for Monday through Wednesday, then cook again on Thursday so you have freshly cooked food again. Just make sure they are the same meals so that you know exactly what you are putting into your body.

And I know that some people argue that counting calories is pointless because even two chicken breasts that weigh the same might still have different amounts of protein. But that’s the closest and most accurate way of knowing how much of each macro you are consuming daily. Eyeballing is far less accurate. Don’t you want to get the most accurate numbers so you know exactly how you’re doing? Especially when I just showed you how effortless it is when factoring in the huge payoff of getting the healthy body and lifestyle you are going for.



The TOP SELLING ebook on Amazon for losing weight quickly, safely, and keeping it off will be on:

{{{{{{{ FREE PROMO }}}}}}}

Tomorrow, Friday the 16th to celebrate St Patty’s day!
(reg $9.99) One day only. Saturday, it goes back to $10. Click pic or here

That’s right, a whopping savings of $10!

Before you get your drink on tonight or tomorrow, click the link in my bio and get the book that has gotten rid of unwanted pounds for hundreds of people. Read up over the weekend—it’s an easy read, the 10in30 way! We don’t overwhelm you with too much info. We tell you “only what you need to know” to lose 10 pounds in 30 days.

Start Monday, and by April 20 you can be 10 whole pounds lighter! Can you imagine? Do you realize just what a difference a mere 10 pounds will do?

\\\\\ Picture yourself 10 pounds lighter on April 20, feel good, right??! //////

You can do it! We show you how. Don’t starve yourself as that is not smart and healthy and will only lead to diminishing your precious skeletal muscle. That is NOT what you want to do even if you are trying to lose weight. You want to get rid of extra body FAT, not precious muscle. Your muscles will naturally decrease when they lose the intrafiber fat.

We show you how to get the EXACT NUMBERS for YOUR BODY in order to successfully lose 10 pounds in 30 days and KEEP THEM OFF! <- That’s the difference between 10in30 and other books such as KETO. <- Why are you going to torture yourself by not eating ANY kinds of carbs?? No bread? No cereal? No fruit? No rice? No noodles? No pizza? No bagels? Muffins? Popcorn? Tortilla chips? NO CARBS??? That’s silly and unnecessary.

And worst of all, that’s NOT SUSTAINABLE.

This is important because if you can’t sustain it, you won’t stick to it and you will yo-yo right back to your previous weight, and most likely SURPASS IT and get fatter (trust me, you will NOT be able to sustain not eating any kind of carbs for ever).

So, do it the right way, take control of your happiness. We’re with you!

SHARE, tell a friend, post on your FB, TW, IG, or whathaveyou and let your friends know.
Do it TOGETHER for support or friendly competition!
(perhaps a challenge or a bet?)

Let’s get this book back up to the number one spot on page 1 of Amazon for health and healthy diets categories! (it’s currently on page 2, still good when you consider the thousands of diet/fitness books but I want the #1 spot again!)

See it on Amazon! – >

A mad scientist by the name of Professor David Nutt, (yes, that’s his real name) has invented a form of alcohol that has all of the good parts (relaxing you, making you feel good) without the harmful ones like, making you fat. And oh yeah, it also

will not kill you like alcohol does if you overdose!

Wait, what? Yep, you know how if you drink too much, your liver will give out and you’ll die? Well that will not happen with “Alcosynth”.  Dr. Nutt has essentially replaced the toxins in alcohol. Toxins are poisons that are responsible for you feeling drunk, and then the next day, feeling that dreaded hangover.

“With alcohol, if you keep taking more and more you eventually die, due to the effect on the brain’s receptors being maximal and toxic – and alcohol works on many receptors.”

^ Says Dr. Nutt. But the hangover-eliminating part was not the goal. A hangover, as Dr. Nutt puts it, is really a control that deters you from over-drinking on a regular basis. So to concentrate on solely removing the hangover would essentially be promoting dangerous over-drinking since you would not have a negative consequence of drinking too much.  He even managed to produce a sort of “kill switch” so that you can’t even get too drunk and over do it, embarrassing yourself and causing your friends to avoid calling you next weekend:

“It’s based on a dose response curve. The more of a drug you take, the more effect you get. With alcohol, if you keep taking more and more you eventually die, due to the effect on the brain’s receptors being maximal and toxic – and alcohol works on many receptors. So to reduce harm you focus on one or two receptors and minimise interactions with other receptors. You also design molecules that’ll never produce a maximal effect.”

“We think the effects round out at about four or five ‘drinks’, then the effect would max out,” he said.

And the best part, or at least the part that is relevant to 10in30, is that it is “nearly calorie-free.” It’s made to be a mixer, that you use to make your favorite drinks by replacing rum, vodka, and whiskey, for example. You would not drink it on the rocks by itself, as Dr. Nutt puts it, Alcosynth is actually flavorless.

But this invention is in its infancy and though Dr. Nutt is confident that it will replace alcohol in the future or at least be allowed to be sold in various countries like the U.S. and Britain, he expects it will be a few years before you can buy this at a pub or a liquor store.

More info here:

How the future of drinking will avoid hangovers and addiction


A recent study performed by the University of Bath in the U.K. explored the question whether it’s better to eat before exercise or workout on an empty stomach. Gym goers and fitness bloggers have had strong opinions on each but is one really beneficial over the other?

A small group of ten “healthy overweight” men ages 18-35 were recruited to test the effects of exercising on an empty stomach and whether it benefited the body when it comes to getting rid of unwanted fat, (adipose tissue) with an emphasis on banishing abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue (dangerous belly fat). They were asked to exercise by walking at a moderate pace (60% of maximum oxygen uptake) for 60 minutes. Scientists measured their blood at various times during and after exercise as well as their actual body fat (adipose tissue).

They were given a meal 2 hours before exercise of mostly carbohydrates which included white bread, corn flakes, sugar, jam, and low fat milk.

The group was tested in both fed and fasted exercise conditions 3-4 weeks apart and there seemed to be substantial differences between both tests.

It was discovered that fasted exercise had significant benefits due to increased fat oxidation—using your body fat for fuel as shown in this table below:

As previously believed, eating a carb-rich meal an hour or two before exercise fuels your workout, allowing you to perform more but preventing you from burning your own body fat for energy. If you want to perform better as in a competition, you’d be better off eating an hour or two before exercise. But if your goal is to get rid of some body fat, then fasted exercise is the way to go.

NOTE that this only takes into account “moderate intensity exercise” meaning that which is no greater than 60% VO2 max. This would be a light jog or stationary bike ride where you can still have a conversation without gasping for air. Any more strenuous than that and your body insists on using available carbs for energy because they are a quick response energy source.

It is still recommended to consume a small meal that includes protein and carbs (but not necessarily fats) an hour or two before a strenuous workout such as a weight lifting workout like the ones we emphasize here, or a HIIT workout (High Intensity Interval Training) workout.

We at 10in30 Fitness have been instructing readers of our book to run daily on an empty stomach in the evening right before dinner at a moderate pace for only 20 minutes. For our quick, 12 minute morning workout we recommend having something small like 1 slice of toast or a yogurt and/or coffee for the caffeine if you count on it to get your morning started.

You can read more here:

American Physiological Society (APS). “To eat or not to eat (before exercising): That is the question.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 6 April 2017. read
Actual study here:

Short & sweet: TODAY ONLY, get the book for free. (Reg $9.99)

Already have it? Already lost 10 pounds in 30 days?


Then Share this page as they must USE THIS BUTTON (to get it for free):



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As a Happy New Year’s present, I am giving away the official 10in30 Lose 10 Pounds in 30 Days book for FREE.

Go to the Amazon book page and it will be free on Saturday, December 30.

All day.

One day only.

While supplies last. (it’s digital, they’ll last forever)

On Sunday, it goes up to the discounted price of $3.99 and then on January 1, 2018 it goes up to regular price of $7.99. So get the book tomorrow, tell a friend, share this page on social media, and please please please leave me 5 stars!

That’s all I ask!
(also mention this if you share, please)




May you have a cheerful and wonderful Christmas and a fantastic 2018!

Thanks for being a 10in30 subscriber. Keep being awesome!


“Bum” 10in30 fitness