The 10in30 “666” Bicep Tricep Massacre

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The 10in30 “666” is an arm blasting workout that uses a suspension system like Jungle Gym or TRX. If your arms are not growing any more, it may be time for a drastic change. Drop the iron; try body weight!

Since you will be rowing your body upward, your lats are going to help out a bit, allowing your biceps to lift far more weight than they could by themselves. Also, we are doing SUPER DROP SETS, which are super-advanced, so do not do this workout if you are just starting out. This is best when you’ve done regular workouts and can use a change-up.

Here’s the plan:



  1. 6 arm curls, raise the handles 6 inches
  2. 6 reps, raise the handles 6 inches
  3. 6 reps, raise the handles 6 inches
  4. 6 reps, raise the handles 6 inches
  5. 6 reps, raise the handles 6 inches
  6. 6 reps – last set, elbows out to sides, shoulder heightraise the handles 6 inches

Now, the handles should be very high and it should not be very difficult except for the fact that you’ve just maxed out with 24 reps.

Now lower the handles back to the bottom. Do not rest just yet, your biceps will take a rest while you’re doing triceps.


  1. Do a set of 6 tricep extensions at chest level, raise the handles 6 inches
  2. Do another set of 6 reps, this time over the head, raise the handles 6 inches
  3. Do a set of 6 tricep extensions at chest level, raise the handles 6 inches
  4. Do another set of 6 reps, this time over the head, raise the handles 6 inches
  5. Do a set of 6 tricep extensions at chest level, raise the handles 6 inches
  6. Do another set of 6 reps, this time over the head, raise the handles 6 inches

The handles should be at the top again.


30 seconds rest. Drink water! Lower the handles back to the bottom to prepare for the second set.


Supersets! (back and forth between biceps and triceps)

  1. 6 arm curls
    6 tricep extensions at chest level, raise the handles 6 inches
  2. 6 arm curls
    6 tricep extensions over the head, raise the handles 6 inches
  3. 6 arm curls
    6 tricep extensions at chest level, raise the handles 6 inches
  4. 6 arm curls
    6 tricep extensions over the headraise the handles 6 inches
  5. 6 arm curls
    6 tricep extensions at chest levelraise the handles 6 inches
  6. 6 arm curls – last set, elbows out to sides, shoulder height
    6 tricep extensions over the headraise the handles 6 inches


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